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my birthday

Hey little bro
so how are things going up in heaven? As you can see here on earth its been a few ups and wons lately but i dont want to get into it right now I am writing you to ask you to clear you calander this friday and come with me to roosters for my birthday... I really need you near that night and then after that I want to stay with mom all weekend long as ill be away in whistler and i know she will be thinking about Colin as we approach his one year anniversary. Stupid birthdays in this familly... they bring such heart ache now. Anyways im sure you have meet Colin by now please invite him to come too but watch out he's a crazy dancer:) O how i miss you both so much if i could have one wish for the rest of my life it would be to see you both again. Please come to my party it wouldn't be the same with out you I LOVE YOU
Your Big sister XOXOXOXOX