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South African Guinness World Record Breaking Filmmakers


Filmakers Chris E David and Kevin singh, who are considered groundbreaking filmakers of South Africa. Their first Film, Jungle City was shot with camcorders and only camera sound, the reason, Chris E David wanted to create an atmosphere that the audience is watching a real life Home Video with Zoom clicks and everything, however because it was his first film, the Cinemas weren't ready for his creative Vision and thought that it was a Home Video shot movie, masquerading as art. If it was his fourth or fifth film they would have thought differently. So Orocci Pictures made a normal James Hadley Chase type of film called Capsized with Chris's blessing.
With Orocci's third film, Chris always ready to try different things as a Filmaker shot the film in 40 hours straight and with the lowest budget ever, morever he got professional actors and crew.

Orocci Pictures are seeking to get Funding for two other groundbreaking Films, both would be great films. In South Africa, films rarely gets funded, so we are seeking to sell shares of the films, for as little as 55 dollars a share.

. Could you please pass on my link to as many people as possible?
If you would like to read about our two time Guinness World Record breaking movie Sinister Pride just click on the link.

Take care
Chris E David