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hi Derek

Hi Derek,
As you know things down here haven't been so good lately. Does all of "this" get explained to you when you get to heaven, because I am struggling with so many questions. Not sure of anything anymore...There is a song, Just a few questions, by Clay Walker that sums up how I am feeling. I have to pull over if it comes on the radio in the car because I am overcome with thoughts of you.

I haven't been sleeping well, I have been worried alot about your family Derek, Our Family. I am not sure how or what I can do to help so tonight, I am writing you to ask you for some extra help. Please give all of us the guidance and strength to get through this. I am afraid I am not very good with words when it comes to calling and helping, but I am very scared for your Mom and sister. They need some extra strength and a sign that lets them know that while you are with them that you and Colin would want them to realise how important they are to all of us. That they need now more than ever to cherish each other. So please Derek, if you could summon some extra strength, talk to Colin too (he's wonderful isn't he!) and wrap some comfort and love around your mom and sister. Remind them that they have each other --- and all of us and that we love them more than words can say...I know you are worried too, and that you would just want us to love each other...You are our angel Derek, I am thankful to have you watching over two people I love so very much.

Thanks for listening Be careful on those slopes, I miss you kid. Give that sparksters a pat for me ok. Love You Always, Apeface.