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A Message for DEREK

Dear Derek;
When I first heard you were missing and had passed away I was in shock! I could'nt believe it was you! Not the boy I had the biggest crush on since I was a little girl. I had seen you a couple of months before your death. I made you a picture that I coloured especially for you of the big boston pizza person. You took it from me and told me you would keep it in a special place. A hug later and you were gone. That was the last time I saw or heard from you. Nobody could understand what I was feeling inside. I've had so many people in my life pass away, and now you? You were like a big brother to me. I'm so sorry I could not come to your funeral, I was just to messed up inside. I will never forget the memories I had with you, and I will treasure them forever and ever.
I Love you Lots
Brittany Hartmann
(Tyler , Robert & Justin's little sister)