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Thinking of You

So much reminds me of you. I think of you often kiddo, and while sometimes it makes me sad, okay I'll be honest, sometimes it hurts to breath, so I cannot begin to imagine how your mom and sister feel. But most of the time it is a moment or a feeling I get that brings back a memory, makes me smile and I know you are okay. I just hope the rest of us will be too. Do you know I have seen more Eagles in the past 2 years than I have seen since we were kids? I have always associated Eagles with you for some reason, not sure why. Probably because we would watch for them when we fished at the sleuw for catfish. Remember?

By the way I got this picture of my friend Jacqueline's little girl Mia getting into the flour bag on halloween, I am going to have to send that one to your mom... She looked alot like someone I know.

Miss you.