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About Search Engine Optimization - Ranking - Placement
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Google has Many Great Underutilized Search Features!

Those who search frequently for a living may find their jobs immensly easier by taking advantage of these FREE accessories and tools.

Phonebook Google


phonebook:john smith los angeles ca


name city state

you will get all listings plus a Yahoo Map with 10 different views that can each be copied and pastede in WORD to have a one page map as you travel...

Define Google

besides having a "DEFAULT" spellcheck when you put in a misspelled query - you can also get definitions for "terms" and "phrases" as well as individual words.



Cache Google

Sometimes you badly need to access a page to find it down - Google takes snapshots of it's spidered pages and by typing in the following, you can get the last copied version...



just put


in front of a URL on Google
( without the http:// with NO spaces)
to search for any Website that may have been Cached

Google viewer

relax and enjoy a parade of web page results - you can also save it to your favorites and view them "offline"


Google Desktop

without logging on to your the internet browser -
if you just want to do one quick search - download the free Google deskbar.

It stays humbly in the bottom right corner of your window and will bring up and allow you to resixe the search screen results...
