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Time-SavingTips for Handcoders using NotePad

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Time-SavingTips for Handcoders using NotePad

Time-SavingTips for Handcoders using NotePad

You do not have to FTP and refresh continuously when designing a web page

Just use the "view source" when on the Internet

Pull down "Note Pad"

copy and paste - type your text

Use the following code


base href="www.url.com"

(of course-change the "www.url.com" to your own domain names' home directory)

for any images that are on the server you are coding or making a change to a page from

Save the notepad page as whaterver.html

on to the "Desktop"

You can now instantly make changes by refeshing the HTML page that has been on the desktop - instead of making round- trip refreshes to the sever to see the results of your "tweak"ing.

After everything if Peerrffect - then upload or paste to the server

You can test out your Perl and Javascripts by using this technique

You can also have an easy way to instantly EMAIL others

quicker than openning up OUTLOOK or WEBMAIL

just save the HTML page where your FORMMAIL is located
to your site - set the appropriate permissions...

Decide whether it will be TEXT Or HTML

put in a templete that you might send frequently...


put in don't reply to this email use the address ...

SUDDENLY-- in mere seconds you can send email