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Text Color

A thought just struck me, having to do with "invisible text" on web pages. I have large white text set in a maroon stripe (in a long, narrow table with maroon background) and the words just happen to be keyword related. Is this considered to be the same color as the background because my page background is white? I found not long ago (coincidentally about the same time I signed up for Adwords) that Google had virtually stopped indexing those pages on my site that fit that description.

If anyone knows the answer I'd appreciate it. For a sample page: http://www.justsawblades.com/systimatic/budke.htm

Thank you in advance!

Re: Text Color

hi. this is not an answer for your question yet. although I thing you'r making an interesitng point here, but how do you know that Google had virtually stopped indexing those pages? because that seems to be too obvious misteake for such an search engine as google. did you just droped in results?