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Meta Analyser redirect page

This is a SEO question in asp redirect page.

I have been submitting my URL www.xxx.com to free search engines such as yahoo and google so the site can be crawled by other search engines. If you submit just the URL you can not pick up any result as their is no meta tags on that root default.asp page as it is just redirected to the another folder. e.g http://www.xxx.com/folder/index.asp. In total theirs two redirects.

Which search engine doesn’t recognise redirect pages does that include google or overture? If so how can I overcome this issue?

I tried meta analyser here that seem to pick up my tags and redirect pages http://www.seomasters.com/meta-tag-analyzer/

But when I use this link http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/meta-analyzer it come out with an error say ‘object moved’

Could some please give me any advice?
