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Attack Of The Killer Google Zombies!

Attack Of The Killer Google Zombies!

I was walking along the beach front this week with the
warm sunshine in my face. You would think I'd be
happy right? Wrong! I was absolutely raging mad!


Because I can't stop thinking about people the world
over who are turning into Killer Google Zombies!

Don't forward this email onto people of a nervous
disposition because I really can't restrain myself any
Picture the scene if you will...

[A conversation last week though it could be this week or
the next - it happens all the time...]

Anon: "We want lots of people to find our website but it
doesn't seem to be happening for some reason."

Michael: "Can you tell me some of the methods you've been
using to market your website?"

Anon: "Well really we're just waiting for Google to update
and then we'll be fine. Once that happens our problems will be

Michael: "What else are you doing to market your website?"

Anon: "There isn't anything else you can do is there?"

[Michael slaps head..]

**In Search Of The Holy Google Grail

Yes - it's the attack of the Killer Google Zombies.
People that think Google IS the Internet. Google is not
the Internet. Google is not the search engines. Google is
one search engine. That's all.

There are millions of Killer Google Zombies out there right now
just staring at Google looking to see whether they are ranked on
page 124 or 125. Wasting their energy, efforts and life in
pursuit of the Holy Google Grail - The Number One Ranking...

**The Single Best Way To Get Customers To Your Website

If there is one single and most-important fact I have learned
in the past 9 years about how to get customers to your
website it is this:

There is no one single way!!!!

If you're looking for the 'magic bullet', the 'ultimate secret',
the 'hidden treasure' or any other cheese-tastic analogy that
you care to mention - forget it. Stop looking for that one
"killer way to explode your website's traffic levels over night"
- it doesn't exist.

You need to start seeing the wider picture and leaving the
Google Zombies to it. You need to try other search engines, try
links, try online advertising, try developing partnerships
with other websites, try viral marketing techniques, try
dispersing your message on other people's networks, try
creating multiple websites for different niches, try an
affiliate programme, try getting listed in directories, try
launching an email marketing campaign and try tattooing your
website address onto your forehead.

Whatever you do please promise me you will try lots of
different things and not turn into a Killer Google Zombie!

Michael Cheney

You can get free access to lots more of Mike Cheney's internet marketing articles
plus a FREE Special Report "How To Turn Your Website Into A Customer Magnet"
worth a value of £47 ($85) here: Get Your Free Internet Marketing Report

3.5 Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming The Next Search Engine Outlaw

3.5 Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming The Next Search Engine Outlaw

Want to avoid being blacklisted by the search engines
and banished to the sin bin never to receive a single
search engine visitor ever again? Thought so. Here's
some tips to help you..

Tip 1 - Hide And Seek

Do not use hidden text on your website. This means
having words and phrases in your pages somewhere that
can't be seen to the naked eye. The tactic of having
text on your page that is the same colour as the
background, and is therefore 'hidden', will almost
certainly result in your wanted poster being pinned
up by most search engines.

Tip 2 - Your Website Is Not A Turkey

Do not cram your hands full of keywords and phrases and
start trying to stuff them into your website's... pages.
You need to have some phrases in there, yes, but don't
overdo it. The search engine owners spend millions every
year on their software so guess what - they know when
you're trying to beat the system!

Tip 3 - Man vs. The Machines

Do not build your website for the search engine robots -
build it for those squishy pink things - human beings!
If you focus too much on having a search engine optimised
site you can quickly lose track of why your website is
there in the first place - to generate you business by
people visiting it and doing what you want them to do.

Would you create a new reception area in your office that
was tailored specifically to the floor-waxing machine so
it could get the best access? No. You would build it for
people - do the same with your website.

Tip 3.5 - Don't Be A Bunny Boiler

Do not start pinning up pictures in your dark room of
each search engine and then start stalking them by
submitting your website every day, week or even month.
Search engines hate this - if you over-step the mark
you'll be well on the way to that blacklist.. You only
need to submit your website to most search engines just
one time - ever. Once it's done, it's done. Despite
what some 'experts' might tell you - you don't need to
constantly re-submit your site.

Michael Cheney


You can get free access to lots more of Mike Cheney's internet marketing articles
plus a FREE Special Report "How To Turn Your Website Into A Customer Magnet"
worth a value of £47 ($85) here: Get Your Free Internet Marketing Report