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Cancun: Top Vacation Spots and Activities

Cancun: Top Vacation Spots and Activities

It's easy to see why Cancun is one of the most beloved
vacation spots in the world. It boasts a terrific, sunny
climate, a fun-filled atmosphere, friendly people, good
food and a plethora of outdoor activities. Consider this
lively place as a destination for your next vacation.

You might want to begin your trip with a water tour at
Aquaworld. This is a great place for anyone who loves
fishing and sunset dinner cruises. You'll also be able to
explore the Mexican jungle and even partake in some
snorkeling. There's something for practically everyone, of
any age group. In fact, at Aquaworld you will find
accommodations especially for kids between the ages of
8 and 11. Kids will also love the Bubblemaker Program,
during which they'll learn how to breathe underwater in
a pool.

For those of you who are interested in bullfighting,
you'll love the Plaza de Toros. Here, tourists can
see authentic bullfights on a weekly basis, year-round.
(The Plaza de Toros has even made it into the Guinness
Book of World Records for its longevity and persistence!)
Before the fights, guests will see lively folkdances that
set the scene with wonderful music and costumes.

If you like theme parks, visit Xcaret, an eco-archeological
park that features rides as well as natural wonders. You
can wander through the jungle paths, observe the wild
animals, snorkel in water-filled limestone tunnels or
take a look at the world-famous Mayan ruins. Of course,
there's also terrific park rides! No matter what you're
in the mood for, you'll find something fun to do.

Avid divers will want to make a point to visit Cozumel ~ a
diver~s paradise whose popularity is evidenced by the fact
that 6,000 scuba tanks per day are utilized. Just over a
dozen miles off of the coast of Cancun, Cozumel has earned
the reputation of one of the finest diving locations on the
globe. With over 35 dive sites, boasting visibility of up
to 200 feet, this island retreat offers unparalleled scuba
diving adventure. In addition to diving, Cozumel also
offers beautiful beaches, botanical gardens, Mayan ruins,
museums and a full night life which includes both discos
and jazz clubs.

Take a trip to Mexico and you'll soon see why Cancun is
one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. If
you love the outdoors, fun in the sun, and a vibrant
culture, you'll be right at home. And don't be deterred
if you've never snorkeled or dived before--there are
many classes offered to newbies, to ensure that you get
the most out of your vacation!

Aria Solorada is the owner and operator of
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