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In-Your-Face Comedy: George Carlin

Rico Sagasida
In-Your-Face Comedy: George Carlin

Say what you will about his particular brand of humor, but George Carlin is a comedic institution. From his days on Laugh-In as the ~Hippy Dippy Weatherman~ to his contemporary touring performances, George has proven that he can adapt himself to any situation, regardless of the topic. The fact that his career has spanned four decades is proof that, whether you think he~s a bit too liberal with his speech or not, he~s definitely got staying power.

One of Carlin's tools for success has been his direct brand of comedy, which gets right into your face. He does not censor himself but rather subjects his audience to his opinions on a variety of hot-button issues, like politics, as well as more mundane concerns, like travel. He is no apologist, and it's not unheard of for an audience member to walk out during a show. It is a bit surprising that someone who had bought a ticket for a George Carlin show would not know what he or she was getting into, but it's true that Carlin can really rile you up!

George can also be credited with the title of ~Comedic Activist~. From ~NIMBY~ (Not in My Back Yard!) to his ongoing witty criticism of the country~s political arena, George has strong feelings about how things ought to be, and is quite prepared to voice those feelings on stage.
The true expression of his comedic genius can be appreciated when you consider the many facets of his performances. He~s not just another funny guy; he brings both humor and insight into the limelight with him, and encourages the public to examine those things that he perceives as social wrongs. George doesn~t haphazardly challenge authority; he uncovers injustices and goes on to provide a solution. In fact, for as funny as he is, George is much more a revolutionary than he is a comedian.

Included among the numerous awards that George has won over the years are the Grammy, CableAce, Lifetime Achievement Award and Free Speech Award. In addition, he has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and has received numerous Emmy nominations for his work. As if that isn~t enough, he~s enjoyed a successful writing career, with a number of books on the bestseller~s list.

As you can tell, there's much more to Carlin than his ~seven bad words.~ He even received 2 Emmy nominations for his role of Mister Conductor on the PBS show "Shining Time Station."

Rico Sagasida is the owner and operator of Quick Comedy
which is one of the leading resources on the subject of comedy available online. For more information, go to: