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Search Engine Optimization and Backwards Links Popularity

Many factors influence how well a given Web site will rank on Search Engines for keywords.

--> TITLE tags have always been very important...
--> Keywords in Body text, and Header Tags are very important...
--> Meta Tags, Alt Tags also help, but play a relatively smaller role
--> LINK POPULARITY - has increased dramatically - and can now almost make or break a Web site depending on how it is done.

Many SEOs and Webmasters "jumped" on the links bandwagon when it was publicized as vital, now some are being forced to re-evaluate their strategies because they may have found that their previous efforts have backfired due to drastic changes in Relevancy Algorithms!

WHY...you ask??

Backwards links and the appropriate hyperlinked keywords have an impact on search engine ranking and SERPs for Web sites.

However, because so many SEOs and Webmasters have exploited this strategy, there are new concerns that Search Engines are now red-flagging sites that abuse this tactic. This concern has become widespread due to the abrupt elimination of several established, high profile Web sites that were professionally SEO-ed, from Google's SERPs. Some have been "banned" or "de-index", some have lost their long held keyword rankings.

There are free online tools available at:
http://search-engines-web.com/ and http://google-yahoo.com/
to help anyone tweak their link strategies to avoid any tactics that may backfire in the future.

Checking for unique Class-C IP addresses in Backwards links may eliminate suspicion of using link farms or cross-linked doorway pages on the same server.

Checking the pagerank of links partners to filter out prospects that may have been banned or dropped; this will prevent tarnishment of you Web site as a bad-link-neighborhood member.

Analyzing a given Website's backwards links for repeated identical hyperlinked keyphrases. This is a relatively new suspicion, however it is a result of concerns about automatic link software that "explode" your campaigns throughout the Web.

Analyzing whether a Website's backwards links are using redirects to the Website they are "linking" to; this concerns has increased due the possibility of a search engine interpreting the redirect as spam or deceptive doorway pages, or even replacing the URL of the "link-to" Website with the URL of the redirect.

In other words these tactics defeat the purpose of the intitial reasons for Link Popularity being an important democratic "voting" factor by search engines.

As SEO's become increasingly proactive with search engine ranking strategies, search engines algorithms become more "filtering" oriented to protect their SERPs virtue and relevancy.

Re: Search Engine Optimization and Backwards Links Popularity

Google PageRank carefully explained and what you can do with it - written by top SEO experts.