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Carla Inchiostrona

Before you decide what kind of a printer you want to buy you should be very clear about your needs. You have to take this decision on various levels depending on what your requirements are. For example you have to decide whether you want an inkjet printer or a laser printer, and what size of the printer would suffice your requirements. As a matter of fact, selecting the right kind of printer can be quite a challenging job.

The two main types of printers are inkjet printers and laser printers. Laser printers use a laser beam to imprint an image on a drum which then fuses the image to the paper. Conversely, inkjet printers spray ink through tiny jets onto the page no laser imaging occurs.

As far as utility is concerned inkjet printers can do only small jobs whereas laser printers can take heavy loads of work. Inkjet printers can do a variety of jobs such as printing anything from spreadsheets to brochures to word documents to photos. They are ideal for printing business and professional documents that are not so expensive, on a small quantity. These printers are made to take small print volumes. Hence, they are not costly and can be easily accommodated in every budget.

Another advantage of ink jet printers is that they are usually small and lightweight. Some also come with carry cases for easy portability. Hence they would be optimum for laptops and PDAs and such devices that require printing facilities. Their maintenance is also very easy with its spares readily available.

But, in case your requirement is for more advanced print jobs then you should think of buying a laser printer. Laser printers are made to take voluminous workloads and print at a much faster speed. And the quality of the print is far superior to that of the inkjet printer. That is why not only the laser printers cost more but even the consumables of the laser printer are more expensive. Laser printers are portable and can be carried from one place to another.
Sometimes they come with their own hard cover carry cases for convenience in shifting them around.

The two most popular and readily available printers are the ink jet printers and laser printers. The laser printer uses a laser beam to mark an image on a drum, which then fuses this image to the printer. On the other hand, the ink jet printer sprays ink through tiny jets on to the page without any laser imaging.

Carla Inchiostrona is the owner and webmaster of FTP Printer, a leading Internet directory for printer information. For more printer information and resources, be sure to visit: