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Using Contextual Marketing

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

Using Contextual Marketing

When ever someone mentions the term Search Engine Marketing
(SEM) two words automatically come to mind - Volume and Exposure. These are things that all businesses need to create an ongoing stream of income.

Search Engine Marketing allows your business to expose itself to hundreds, even thousands of potential customers for less than it would cost to do so via traditional print media like newspapers or and direct mail letters. This is great for smaller business owners who have much smaller marketing budgets than the bigger companies.

The basics of SEM remain simple. Build a site. Optimize it around the topic keywords and phrases people use to search for your information. The better the optimization, the higher your placement results. The internet works 24-7 advertising your products and services. You can wait weeks even months for the search engine to index your site. Plus there is no guarantee your site will show in a top 30 spot.
A position needed if you want ongoing sales from your site.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Search Engine Marketing eliminates this waiting for search engine indexing and automatically secures your placing in the top search results positions when people do a search for your keywords. All you need to do is bid on the keywords you want referenced. The higher the amount that you bid, the higher your placing will be in the results. With PPC you only pay for results when someone clicks on your add in the placings.

With PPC you are able to build your opt-in list fast, test out marketing campaigns, and reach potential customers with greater efficiency. But you need to remain ahead of your competitors so you can be paying up to $5 or more per click.

Both SEM and PPC, are quite similar. They both drive an increase in targeted traffic to your web site. There is time for a learning curve so that you can work out how to optimize your content to achieve higher places. As you work out which words work better, you can then tweak them on an ongoing basis. This can be time consuming.

Contextual marketing, is the latest method of marketing. It has the same effect as SEM and PPC but is much simpler to use, especially for business owners new to internet marketing.

The potential of contextual marketing is staggering and takes the best of both SEM and PPC to greater levels. Your ad appears within the web page content instead of appearing on the side or top sections of search engines.

People who click on your site have pre-qualified themselves because they looked up the keywords you had optimized. This will make it far easier to transform them from an enquiry into a potential sale. This translates into increased sales conversion rate and an increase in your profits.

If you need an effective way to find new customers then contextual marketing is probably your best option. Try it and compare the results - you might a bit surprised.

Tina Valiedi is the Chief Editor for MP Strategies Firm, a company whose breakthrough service unleashes the power of the internet to drive hidden potential clients to your site. For more marketing how to information visit: