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Use your stats to profit with pay per click advertising

Desmond Mantor

Use your stats to profit with pay per click advertising

You have registered your domain name and you now need a web
hosting service. So what kind of hosting package do you
need and what are the most important features?

No matter which Hosting Company and package that
you choose, statistical analysis is one of the features
that must be included. There are literally 1000's of
Web hosting companies and packages to choose from
but a system to check your statistics should be a major

The information provided by detailed statistics is
vitally important in analyzing your Marketing Strategies.

A visitor counter on your web site is not enough.
You not only need to know the number of visitors but you
need to know where they came from and at what point they
left your web site to go somewhere else. If you have this
detailed information about your visitors then you can plan
your advertising more effectively. You will discover what
is working with the web site and what needs to change.

As you can see, web statistics are extremely important
from a marketing viewpoint.

Some useful statistics include:

* Unique Visitors
* Top Referrers
* Top Exit Pages

If you want to know precisely the number of people that
visit your web site, then check the 'unique visitors'
figure. This is the exact number of visitors without
taking into consideration the repeat users.

Top Referrers are simply the most common sources that
referred people to your site. These include ISP Referrers,
URL's, E-mail Referrers and Newsgroup Referrers. This
information can be useful to understand from where your
visitors are coming from.

Your statistics should also show the top exit pages.
These are the most common pages from which visitors have
decided to leave your site and move on elsewhere.
To determine why people are not staying on your
web site, you will need to know the exact places of exit.
Then you can adjust your web site accordingly to try and
bring this figure down. You want to make sure your visitors
are getting a chance to review your sales copy, and if
they exit from there you may need to adjust your copy

Ultimately it would be nice if your most common exit page
was your "Thank You For Your Order" page!

Other important statistics include:

* Most Requested Pages
* Least Requested Pages
* Top Entry Pages (the most common pages where people
entered your site)
* Top Single Access Pages (the most common pages which
people accessed, then left your site without visiting
other pages)
* Top Search Engines (most common search engines are
sending your visitors)
* Top Keywords (most common keywords people are entering
into search engines to find your site)

So how does all this information help your marketing

Well, by studying your web stats you will be able
to calculate precisely how much each visitor to your
web site is worth.

Then you can simply divide the number of unique visitors
by the gross sales figure. Now you will have a precise
amount that you know you can bid in Pay Per Click search
engines without losing money!

Desmond Mantor is the Marketing and Sales Manager for
Have Traffic
a company specializing in producing highly targeted website
traffic for commercial websites. Please visit
http://www.havetraffic.com for information about our
revolutionary web site promotion service

Effective Ad Copy is CriticalDesmond Mantor

Desmond Mantor

Effective Ad Copy is Critical

Communication is the key to successful marketing whether
it is traditional or not. It is a simple case of expressing
the benefits of company products or services through
advertising and convincing potential clients the
superiority of your services over your competitors. It's
the message that is conveyed through your ad copy that will
determine who thinks about buying your products. Internet
marketing has permitted advertisers to reach target markets
and secure qualified leads faster and easier than any other
type of marketing but the principal of strong and effective
ad copy is still the same. Your copy must be even more
compelling in the Internet marketing medium since the
attention span of the potential client is less. So here
are a few ideas that will help:

Including a call to action may seem like a no-brainer but
you might be surprised by the number of ads that do not do
so. If your ad copy does not tell people to buy your
services or at least fill out a simple questionnaire--guess
what--they are not likely to do so! Do not take all the
time to explain the benefits your company has to offer
without telling the customer to take action and use your

People are always looking for the better deal. This does
not necessarily refer to price. It can be a better product,
superior service, and yes, the best price. Your ad must
tell customers that there is something unique and valuable
about your company and what it has to offer. Essentially,
you need a "hook".

The fact about "hooks" is that they need not necessarily be
related to the main product or service you are trying to
sell. Many companies use the word "free" in their ads just
to get people in the door. This is the whole point in
offering free inspections for things like cars. All you
need is to get the people in the door and then you have the
opportunity to sell your true wares. In banner ads and
email marketing, customers offered a discount for simply
clicking on a link are more compelled to do so than when
not offered some kind of incentive. Tying in some special
price or added service to a time limit is also an effective
means of motivating people to use your services.

To succeed with your Internet marketing efforts, your
ad must be extremely effective. It must say as much
as possible in a concise way. The ad must immediately
catch the attention of the customer within the
headline. It's no use having a compelling offer at the
bottom of the copy if the headline is weak. Also, there
must be a call to action. If your copy expresses your
unique selling position , has some kind of 'hook', and a
call to action, it is likely to produce the results you are
after. Finally,testing is the key to success. No-one gets
it right the first time so don't be afraid to try new
ideas. Test different headlines, adcopy and 'hooks' until
you find one that produces the results you need -- more

Desmond Mantor is the Marketing and Sales Manager for
Have Traffic
a company specializing in traffic generation for
for commercial websites. Please visit
http://www.havetraffic.com for information about our
revolutionary web site promotion service

Lead Generation Marketing Makes More Sense

Desmond Mantor

When you are starting a new business, you don't have
unlimited resources for advertising your product or service,
unless you are a fast food chain or a car company with a
million dollar advertising budget. And yet you would want
the maximum number of people to know of your business so
that at least some of them would buy the product or service
you are offering. That is why the best option at your
disposal is lead generation marketing.

Now lead generation marketing is certainly nothing new. The
traditional forms include: direct mail campaigns,
purchasing space in a trade publication or show, or even
outbound telemarketing. The whole point is to sift through
the larger population and find those with an interest in
your product or service. For instance, if you are selling
some new diabetes treatment, you would set up a booth at
a diabetes conference or purchase ad space in a publication
dedicated to diabetes treatment. However, traditional
lead generation advertising can still be quite costly and
there are superior online methods available that will more
efficiently utilize your advertising dollar.

One form of online lead generation marketing is search
engine marketing. With this method, you target a specific
audience and hence don't waste precious resources reaching
out to an entire population. Through a well designed website
and optimized keyword content, you can be easily accessed
online by people interested in your products or services.
Although this marketing tool is Internet specific, it serves
the same purpose of attracting an audience interested in
what you have to offer.

In comparison, a direct mailing campaign is an expensive
affair. You have to consider the cost of postage, mailing
materials and any expenses related to securing ad copy. On
the other hand, you can achieve the same qualified leads as
a direct marketing effort through e-mail marketing, and
spend a fraction of the amount. The only expenses involved
in it are the purchase of some simple and affordable
software, but you can reach a far larger audience and secure
a greater number of qualified leads. An e-mail marketing
campaign is no different from a direct mailing campaign
because both will actually reach a small percentage of the
total population and produce leads. The only difference is
in the cost. With the same amount of money you will be able
to secure more of them ensuring more sales and profits.

Lead generation advertising will continue to evolve into
newer and more effective methods on the Internet. For all
practical purposes, the more traditional methods are
already fading from use as businesses realize the benefits
of Internet marketing and the various tools available to
them through this medium. Search engine and e-mail
marketing are both viable means of securing qualified leads
more efficiently and making you more money.

Desmond Mantor is the Sales and Marketing Director of
Have Traffic which
offers highly qualified traffic for commercial websites.
Have Traffic's unique system of pre-qualifying visitors
has proven more effective than pay per click traffic.
For more details please visit http://www.havetraffic.com

Types of Online Advertising

There is no doubt that in the present age and time
businesses have to rely on online advertising to survive and
thrive. Indeed, the rapid advancements in the field of
communications are changing our lives in all respects. The
traditional methods of advertising in the print media and
direct mail campaigns are on their way out. They just cannot
compete with the sheer reach of the Internet that penetrates
into markets and converts them into potential customers. Nor
can they match the versatility of this medium that offers so
many advertising options to suit the needs of almost any
business. The options available to online advertisers

Ezine Advertising: Ezines are electronic magazines that can
be downloaded at leisure. You can subscribe to them also,
and target and track your audience from the comfort of your
office or home. Ezine advertising is the most cost effective
way of marketing on the Internet. Unlike traditional
magazines, where you have no idea who reads your ads, you
can study how effective your ad is and also know how useful
the publication is in attracting customers to your business.
Ezine advertising beats traditional printed magazines
hands-down because they cannot provide the useful
information you need to create the most effective ads. With
ezines you can be sure to gain dollar for dollar as they are
the most effective form of online advertising.

Banner ads are not as widely used as they were when online
advertising was first launched. Although there are more
dynamic types of online advertising available today, banner
ads can still draw in customers to your site. On average,
banner ads have a response rate (not to be confused with
conversion rate), of between 1 and 3 percent.

Pay-Per-Click programs: Pay per click programs are the
latest addition to online advertising. They allow you to
target a specific audience and pay per visit to your site.
There are many variations to it, such as search engine
pay-per-click, pay-per-lead and the pay-per-sale programs.
The basic principle is that you pay only for results. No
wonder, they are more effective than traditional marketing

The Internet revolution is showing no signs of slowing down
and online advertising will carry on growing and perfecting
itself. Banner ads may not be as sought after as before but
they are still effective. Ezine advertising has shown
definite advantages over conventional print magazine
advertising. The success of the relatively new
'pay-per-click' program is testament to the fact that online
advertising is the most valuable and profitable means by
which businesses can growth and maximize profits.

Desmond Mantor is the Sales and Marketing Director of Have
Traffic which
offers highly qualified traffic for commercial websites.
Have Traffic's unique system of pre-qualifying visitors
has proven more effective than pay per click traffic.
For more details please visit Traffic whichoffers highly qualified traffic for commercial websites.Have Traffic's unique system of pre-qualifying visitorshas proven more effective than pay per click traffic.For more details please visit http://www.havetraffic.com

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