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The Choice Of A University

Edna Unadube

The Choice Of A University

Choosing a university is one of the most monumental decisions a young adult will make in their lifetime.
Consulting with a university guidance counselor is a great way to help make the best possible assessment.
Experienced university counselors are a phenomenal resource for information concerning all the factors that go into making this tough decision.

The first thing you need to choose the best university is to be clear in your mind what you truly desire. It is here that the university counselor steps in by asking you questions to clarify your goals and wants and then finding a university to match your responses. You may be quite surprised at the end of this analysis as you may find that the university is not the one that you initially thought would be.

A university counselor is a must for making a studied choice of a university. The reason being that you may not be fully aware of the factors to be considered for making this decision. Though geographical location of the university is important, other factors like campus size, its demographic status, study abroad programs, department strengths, tuition and housing cost, class size, public vs.
private, financial aid availability, athletic programs, alumni networks, Greek organizations, and housing options.
Hence talking to a university counselor is very important.

The field of study that you would like to join in a university greatly influences your choice of one. That is to say, once you have made the choice of the area you would major in, you would be able to narrow down your choice of a university. Choosing a school that has an excellent department for teaching the field you would like to major in is a very important factor in college planning.

Never limit yourself to one university either. Applying to several universities is the best idea. Set a few different pathways and be satisfied with whichever road fate leads you. If you don't get into university A, you still have an opportunity to attend at university B.

Remember, things usually happen for a good reason, so don't be disappointed if you don't get into the first university choice. Your counselor can help you decide on primary and backup universities.

The decision about the field of study is, indeed, the toughest one. So it is advisable to seek help from a professional who has better knowledge about the subject.

In nutshell, a student and his or her family can avail of the advice of the university counselor and choose a field of interest and a university that supports good development in that field.

Edna Unadube is the owner and webmaster of YA University, a leading Internet portal for university information. For more university information and resources, be sure to visit: