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Exotic Hunts Inside The Vast Continent Of Asia

Exotic Hunts Inside The Vast Continent Of Asia

Exotic game hunting is found in more areas of the world than in Africa's Big Five. Throughout the world, guided hunts are big business. In these more exotic locations, guided hunts show off free ranging game with a truly ethical hunting experience in a remote region of the world. Local hunting guides accompany hunters through fair-chases. These experienced guides understand that region's terrain and the habits of the area's wild animals in that particular location. Odds are not high that these animals will always be present in a given area on a given hunt, which makes these hunts more ethical and authentic.

Ever since China opened its borders and the Soviet Union fell, western hunters have been welcomed into the Asian continent. Even though the more remote areas of Asia are tough to travel, the excitement of hunting in these regions is worth the experience. Also, although China is populated with over a billion citizens, many of its residents live outside the huge expanses of desert and mountainous regions.
In these sparsely populated regions, many exotic animals special to just that area exist and are of great interest to many sport hunters. To keep hunting to a minimum, only a set number of licenses are issued each year for certain animals like the takin, a wild sheep with a very unusual look that lives in the forest. Another hunted animal in China is the blue sheep that lives in the mountains. The large Argali sheep that also live in the mountains are often hunted.

Another country of Asia is Kazakhstan, which was at one time an independent republic of the Soviet Union and is nearly half the size of America. The mighty and huge Asian elk lures many hunters into this country. Since Kazakhstan's elk population exceeds any other in the world, a trophy hunt is easily found. The ibex and five different species of Argali sheep also attract hunters. International flights into Almaty, the nation's largest city, are available.

Kyrgyzstan was opened to Westerners in the middle of the 1980s. This small and mountainous nation has the best hunting during the months of October and November. Inside this rugged land, many hunters go after the giant Asian ibex and several species of Argali sheep.

The remote and awe inspiring nation of Mongolia is not for the light hearted hunter. This nation of excellent horsemen and hunters set up traditional Mongolian tents called Yurts for hunters to camp while on a guide. The more popular hunts are after ibex and Asian elk. Since traveling inside Mongolia during winter is only for the very hardy, most hunts take place during the fall time.

Hunting exotics in Asia is for the true hunting enthusiast who has a taste for high adventure and the financial wherewithal to afford it.

Copyright 2005 Bjorg Jago. All rights reserved.
Bjorg Jago is the owner for
Hunting Track Inc which is a leading resource for information on hunting on the internet. Please click on his archive of articles for further details: http://www.huntingt.com/