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Digital Photography

Digital Photography

Digital photography is becoming more and more popular as
digital cameras drop in price. Even five years ago it
seemed that even the most basic digital camera was
extremely expensive. If you wanted any bells and whistles
you would need to spend much more money that seemed worth
it. Since then digital cameras have come down in price,
even the ones with all the extras are quite reasonable.
Digital photography is so versatile and wonderfully easy to

When you are looking at getting a digital camera, there are
several factors you need to consider. Typically most
people who are looking into getting a digital camera
already have a home computer. This is not entirely
necessary though. Many printers are now available (at a
very reasonable price) that offer the capabilities of being
hooked up directly to your camera. You can print the
pictures directly off of the camera and there is no need
for a computer at all. You should check to make sure that
all your equipment is compatible before purchasing
anything. The best case scenario is using a home computer
to load the pictures from your digital camera to your
home PC. This way you can manipulate the pictures, upload
them to a picture sharing website so you family and friends
can view them, and print them off as well.

Resolution is a major factor to consider in your camera.
Mega-pixels vary by camera, so it depends on your needs.
They range from 2.0 to 12.0 mega-pixels. The average buyer
wouldn't need anything larger than 4, unless you wanted to
blow your pictures up to a very large size. In general 3.0
to 4.0 mega-pixels are fine for most consumers, as these
resolutions produce clear, beautiful pictures.

The other major factor for your consideration is the type of
zoom to invest in. Digital zoom is a common property of
digital cameras, but isn't necessarily the best zoom. In
fact the pictures can come out grainy looking. Optical zoom,
although more costly, is a better choice. It gives a much
higher quality result. If you don't plan to use the zoom
much, then sticking with the digital zoom will save you some

Once you have chosen your digital camera, you may want to
consider getting a memory card. Check to see how much
internal memory is available. The last thing you need is
to go on vacation and discover your camera only stores 30
pictures. Memory cards are relatively inexpensive and can
store hundreds of high-quality photographs.

Most digital cameras feature software to let you play with
the appearance of your pictures. For example you can change
a color photo to black and white or sepia. If you buy a
higher end camera the software will allow you to do things
like editing people or objects out of the shot.

Hopefully, these ideas helped you to decide what model
digital camera to buy. Some people find new technology
intimidating, but the new models are so easy and rewarding
that you definitely should purchase one!

Joshua Beecham is the webmaster for
FREY Photography,
the #1 source on the internet for information about
Photography. For more articles on Photography why not visit: