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Creating a Fully Functional Home Office

Creating a Fully Functional Home Office

While it may seem like a good idea to start your own business and work from home, it is important that you take the right steps to help you become successful. Setting up and properly managing your home office is a vital component to getting your new business to work for you. By being properly prepared in the beginning you~ll be ready to meet any challenges head on.

If you have a family start of by running your plans past them and get everyone excited and on board for your new venture. Your family should clearly understand and accept the limitations and boundaries you have set forth for your new workspace. It is important that you have an area where you can work quietly and undisturbed.

Use Basic Equipment

With a fully functional office, you~re ready for any challenge. Begin with the right equipment: computer; printer; scanner; fax machine; telephone line; calculator; bookcase; file cabinet; and office supplies. A comfortable office is the key to working effectively. Soft lighting and the proper chair can make all the difference.

Using a Work Address

Using your home address for your business is generally not a wise idea. You don~t want potential clients stopping by uninvited. A better idea is to get P.O Box at your local post office and use that exclusively. It will also seem more professional than using your home address.

Managing Your Work Time

Organize your time wisely. The biggest drawback of a home- operated business is the need for time management. Our intentions are good when we first start off, but somewhere between the desire to satisfy every customer and the need to meet deadlines, the time gets lost. Let~s face it~no one plans to work on overdrive continuously.

Try to organize your time by using a daily planner.
Schedule in time for breaks, lunch, and family. It is important to keep track of all the tasks you plan to complete during the day. You can even use Microsoft Outlook to set reminders and keep a task list that you can check off when items are completed. Managing your time is important to make sure you get everything done in a timely manner.

Handle business calls while the kids are at school, or your spouse is out. For those who have no family members to deal with, quiet time to conduct business shouldn~t be hard to acquire.

Don~t Take on Too Much

Invest in software programs. Several software programs can assist you in operating your office more effectively. Take advantage of programs that will forward email messages, track inventory, and balance your accounts accurately.
Today~s technology can work wonders if you allow it too.

Don~t overdo it. If you~re running a one person show, it~s important to make time for yourself and relax. Be sure to prioritize and be reasonable in what you can accomplish each day.

If you find yourself getting bogged down in clerical duties, ask family members for help. It will save you time and money and they will enjoy being needed. This will help your business become more efficient.

Overcome obstacles with the right tools. If your home business isn~t operating smoothly, you might want to re- evaluate your daily strategies. Take time to prepare your home office to handle the work load.

Nyall Bakk is the chief editor for Advertising WorldWide, Inc, a fantastic resource for information about advertising,
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Legal Issues for Small Businesses

Nyall Bakk

Legal Issues for Small Businesses

If you own your own small business chances are
you know very little about the laws and regulations
that you encounter on a day to day basis.
Understanding the legal issues that concerns small
businesses it is vital to your business~ success. The
small business association suggests that all small
business owners take a few legal courses to
understand the legal issues you may come up
against. However many small businesses ignore
this advice and suffer consequences that could have
been avoided.

There are many resources for legal advice and
information available on the Internet. If you think
that you need professional legal advice consulting a
lawyer is the best course of action. But here are a
few common legal issues that you may come across.

Service Agreements ~ Conducting business involves drafting
up a Statement of Work or a Written Agreement. Without a
contract, it is difficult to enforce the law. Carefully
draw up the business terms, draft it in the company~s favor,
and provide flexibility and protection.

Start by listing the ~scope~ of the service. For instance,
cleaning a home would take 2-hours. In those 2-hours, list
~what~ service and ~how~ long it will take. Include
anything that may be a special request. Excluding a portion
of the service could be a costly mistake. Drafting a
contract takes time, but it is necessary.

As a small business you may or may not have
several employees working for you. The
termination of an employee is a touchy subject but
may be necessary at some point in time. You
should be clear on employee termination laws and

Disgruntled ex employees may threaten to sue you
with a wrongful dismissal suit or similar legal
action. It is vital that you know your rights and
what you can do in this type of situation.

Since labor taxes can be so high many small
business owners choose to hire independent
contractors. Independent contractors are required
by the IRS to claim and file themselves. You may
think this makes things much easier on you.

Even though you may have hired an independent
contractor the IRS may consider their job to be that
of an employee~s. This means things could get
complicated for you. Be sure to check what the IRS
considers employee~s jobs before hiring an
independent contractor.

If you own a small business with someone else you
need to know about the legal definitions of your
partnership. If you~re a sole proprietor this means
you own the business yourself and can be held
legally responsible for anything to do with your

A better choice would be to start a business as a
limited liability corporation. This means that if
your business is sued, any personal finances and
funds can be excluded from the ruling.

No matter what sector your company is in you need
to be concerned with intellectual property issues. It
is important that you know and understand the term
and issues surrounding copyrights, registered
trademarks, confidentiality agreements, and
invention assignment agreements.

Record Keeping ~ Improper record keeping can cause serious
problems. Accurate accounting records are essential if the
IRS is the least bit suspicious about the company~s
financial records. Invest in a bookkeeper or an accounting
program to make it easier to keep account of your daily
transactions. Also, organize files to be readily accessible
in case of an IRS audit.

You may want to hire a bookkeeper or accountant
to deal with accounting issues. If you can~t afford
to do so be sure to take a course on business
accounting to ensure you have proper records of

Do your research and compare fees. The long term
relationship you build with your corporate attorney will
have its value. All businesses should make an investment
in a ~good~ corporate attorney.

Without a doubt, a business should run erring on the side of
caution. Choosing to operate without the proper knowledge
on business laws and business ethics, will lead to disaster.
Check with an attorney before pursuing a business and start
on the right foot.

If it anytime you feel in over your head, consult
with an attorney. Business owners can get
themselves into very serious trouble without the
proper legal knowledge.

Nyall Bakk is owner of href="http://www.advertisingww.com">Advertising WorldWide,
Inc, the #1 source on the internet for information about
advertising. For more articles on advertising visit: