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How to become a lawyer

Gustovio Avvocato

How to become a lawyer

It is not easy to get entry to a law school. You must have an excellent all-round academic record to get entry in the highly competitive world of a law school. Not only this, getting law education is also a very expensive exercise.
But you don't have to worry. Most law schools offer scholarships, grants and loans to let you concentrate on your goal of becoming a lawyer rather than worrying about the money.

An ideal choice of a law school would be one that offers a varied educational law and justice program rather than the one that offers just one area of law. The main reason for this is the fact that a school with a wide-ranging program can adapt easily and quickly to the changing legal profession besides teaching essential skills like presentation and communication. Many large law schools have recently added new tuition choices for students like corporate responsibility and even Islamic law.

Many schools have a clinical and practical element in their classes in order to give a direct and first hand experience of the actual application of the law and help the students gain hands-on experience and learn the ways of real lawyers and how they handle real cases in the civil and criminal systems of law.

A new student of law enters a three-year degree program and gets Juris Doctor degree (J.D.) at the end of it. This lays a good foundation of legal study for him and he has the opportunity to concentrate on his particular area of interest. Students who want to pursue law study further can specialize by pursuing Master of Laws and the Doctor of Juridical Sciences. But one can practice law by simply earning the J.D. degree and a course in professional responsibility. Your choice would depend on whether you want to be a professional lawyer or would like to go for teaching and research.

There are a number of law schools all over the country that you can choose from. All you have to do is to study very hard for your entrance test so that you can pick and choose the law school you desire the most. But if you are not so fortunate, there is no reason to be disheartened. Just make the most of what you have and study very hard. You would certainly do well if you concentrate. After all, your goal is to be a successful practicing lawyer rather than studying in the law school of your choice.

Gustovio Avvocato is the owner and webmaster of Rp Lawyer, a leading Internet portal for lawyer information. For more lawyer information and resources, be sure to visit: