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Search Engine Copywriting

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.

Search Engine Copywriting

Copywriting is a technique that is used to communicate a clear message to readers through newspapers and websites.
Super copywriting is designed to both capture and then retain the readers attention, and in some cases even grab the readers attention away from a competitors offerings.
Readers are always looking for different information that adds value to them so you need to determine what information you can offer that will have this effect.

You can also use copywriting on the computer for search engine copywriting. Copywriting for the Internet is now very popular because people wants to have a site that generates plenty of traffic. A site that has strong traffic will be able to generate more possible sales.
Let's explore this more.

Search engine copywriting is all about re-jigging the content on your website so it becomes more appealing to the reader/customer but also is able to be searched and retrieved by the search engines. Writing for search engines takes skill and when it is done correctly you should receive higher search engine ranking and hence higher sales.

Many sites depend on search engines such as Google to help them generate traffic to their site. Search Engines reference the information you have on your site and then cross reference it with the keywords by the surfer.
Depending on how you lay out your copywriting will determine whether the site is accessed at all, so you need to pay attention to your copywriting with care.

There are companies out there that specialize in this type of copywriting. There is a lot involved in search engine copywriting. It is better to leave it to a professional.
Although this service may be costly, the returns you will reap will well pay for outsourcing your copywriting. If you currently own a website, but are seeing little or no traffic it would be worth it to invest in hiring search engine copywriting services.

Tina Valiedi is the Chief Editor for MP Strategies Firm, a company whose breakthrough service unleashes the power of the internet to drive hidden potential clients to your site. For more marketing how to information visit:

Obtain Profits By Increasing Sales Conversions

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

Obtain Profits By Increasing Sales Conversions

Increasing the number of your sales conversions is critical to ensuring the success of your business because every customer you turn into a buyer affects your bottom line.
As an example if you have 100 potential customers examine your product and 5 of them end up making a purchase, then you have a sales conversion rate of 5%. Knowing these numbers helps you to analyze your business and its potential for growth.

The first thing you need to do is calculate the current rate of your sales conversions. You should collect this data over an extended period of time to gain some real information about who your customers are, what your strongest sellers are and when you make your most sales.
Collecting this data over a short period of time can skew the data.

Find out what the average or standard sales conversion is for your particular industry as this will help you to work out how you are performing compared to your peers.
Some industries don't collate this kind of data and if this is the case this is not a bad thing as it means you will one step ahead of your peers.

Now, look at how your competitors are marketing their products. Look at what is working for them and what is not and compare it to your own strategies. Better to
learn from someone else's mistakes right! Using this
information will helps your sales to increase and you weill see you sales conversion rate start to grow.

With this data you can begin to increase sales conversions for the advancement of your business. Firstly, analyze what products or services are your weakest and your strongest sellers. Look at the ones that can be improved and work out why some do well and others don't. You should start with the strongest sellers.

How effectively you market your product to potential customers is the key to a successful increase in sales conversions. So by using your strongest seller and marketing it effectively and keeping a record of your progress you will be able to examine what works and what doesn't.

Keep in mind that this is a steady process that takes some quality time to achieve success. Increasing sales conversions will give you not only an increase in profits, but also will help you maintain awareness of target markets.

Tina Valiedi is the CEO of MPStrategies Firm, an internet company specializing in super targeted pre-qualified web traffic that results in higher conversion rates and ROI.
Visit http://www.mpstrategiesfirm.com today.

Simple Steps To Plan Your Business For Success

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

Simple Steps To Plan Your Business For Success

Planning your business is the critical starting point. You
need to map out your business. Where do you plan on going
with your business? What steps are you going to take to get
there? How are you going to market your business. All of
these questions should be answered in your business plan.

Some people are excellent at planning. Others are not. The
problem is, we were never taught how to plan in school. So
how do you begin planning? It's an acquired skill, it won't
appear over night.

The first step to becoming a successful planner in learning
your personality type. Once you learn who you are, you can
learn to plan according to you personality
type."Personality Plus: How to Understand your Personaltiy"
by Florence Littauer, is an excellent book on learning
about your personality type. It is easy to read and comes
with a personality profile test.

Don't worry if you feel like you're not making any
progress. Learning a new skill, especially planning, takes
time to learn. Be patience and persistent. Start your in
planning in baby steps.

Let's begin by learning to plan out sales calls.

First, how many sales appointments do you want or need for
the month? Let's say, you need 10 appointments each month.
If the an appointment is about 2 hours long, you will need
20 hours total for the entire month. Take out your monthly
calendar and mark of 20 hours.

Now lets take a step back. What did you do to get those
appointments? You made phone calls. You need about 20 phone
calls before you got those 10 appointments. How long were
you on the phone, about 15 minutes. Now block off that time
on your calendar.

Before you start making phone calls. Put a list of your
contacts together. Have there name, address, phone number,
even secretaries names if needed. To help you make those
calls, write a sales script. Use the script as a reminder.

This is the beginning steps of planning your business. You
can use this formula for almost every project.

Tina Valiedi is the Executive of Marketing for
MPStrategies Firm,a company whose breakthrough service
unleashes the power of the internet to drive hidden
potential clients to your site. For more marketing articles
visit: http://www.mpstrategiesfirm.com

Here Are 7 Steps To Generating More Sales - Part One

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

All business owners want to generate additional sales.
There are really 4 keys ways to do this:

1. Increased web site traffic

2. Increased conversion from visits to sales

3. Repeat sales to existing customers

4. Increase the price of your products

All four of these methods are practical ways that you can increase your sales and your profits. Even if embark on just one method you can make a difference without working harder or spending more money to do so.

Which one will help you do this most effectively?
Without exposing the answer now, keep on reading and see if you can work it out from the hints.

Step 1: The 99 Customers That Escape

As an example - you sell a product for $50 a unit and have a goal to generate $2000 profit this month.

Internet marketing studies suggest that the average ecommerce website converts 1-2% of their visitors into customers.

1 website visitor out of a possible 100 = 1% conversion. By using promotional campaigns, you pay $30 to obtain those 100 website visitors. So suddenly your $50 sale less $30 marketing costs = a $20 profit.

Therefore to achieve your goal of $2000 profit, you will need to generate 100 sales and because only 1 of 100 visitors to your site will make a purchase this means you need to get 10,000 visitors to your site this month.
Now that's hard work!

So think about the 99 visitors that didn't buy a product.
Imagine if you could focus on converting more of those 99.

After all if you are spending $30 to get 100 visitors to your website and you acquire two customers instead of one you then generate $100 in sales. So $100 less the $30 equals $70 in profits now. That is a 350% increase in profits and you haven't worked harder or had to spend any more money.

Now you can meet your profit objective with only 2450 visitors, far less than 10,000 with 1% conversion that we discussed earlier.

If you haven't worked out the number one way to increase your sales yet the answer is number 2 - increase conversion from hits to sales.

But what about the other 3 ways that can help you to increase your sales?

Of course you need to generate website traffic but at the end of the day if your visitors don't convert into customers then you won't get any sales. Sales from repeat customers is the perfect way to also increase sales, but this will require you to build your client base in the first place. Be careful with the concept of increasing your price, as the market will only withstand so much of a price on a given product.

Increasing your conversion rate between visitors and sales is the optimum way to increase sales and hence your profits. Imagine if you were able to increase your conversion rate from 1% to 2% to 3% or even 10%?
Next article we will show you how to you increase your conversion rate.

Tina Valiedi is the Executive of Marketing for MPStrategies Firm,a company whose breakthrough service unleashes the power of the internet to drive hidden potential clients to your site. Sign up for the Strategic Traffic Tips eZine at:

Successful Sales Marketing Campaign

Successful Sales Marketing Campaign

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

Putting Together A Successful Sales Marketing Campaign

Part of a successful sales marketing campaign consist of
business-to- business sales. One of the oldest and time proven ways of sales marketing is cold calling on businesses. The group of people who master this sales technique are invaluable to your marketing campaign.

Two variables make a successful cold calling sales campaign. Consistency and accuracy of the numbers. The numbers are derived from these factors... How many calls do you make before you get a presentation and how many presentations result in a sale. Your top sales producers live by those two numbers. Those numbers remain the foundation of your sales force.

Never expand those two numbers when putting your sales marketing plan together. Realistic and achievable sales goals are essential to a happy and productive sales force.
Companies often make the mistake of taking the top sales producer numbers and using those as the base sales objective. Not everybody is a top producer and you'll soon find many on your sales force demoralized by the high unrealistic numbers. Design your sales marketing plan around real numbers and you'll soon discover many of your sales people will turn into top producers exceeding your numbers.

Finally, remember that a solid sales marketing plan also needs people who have been down the road and back as managers. People will fall in line with your ideas and your sales marketing plan if they know that the people making the decisions that affect their livelihood have "been there and done that". Many companies that succeed and grow exponentially forget the most fundamental rule in a sales organization and that is: "Don't forget what and who got you where you are."

Businesses grow when their sales team believes in the company and what the company has to offer. It can turn sour really quick when a sales force doesn't feel they are appreciated for their efforts and that's not just financially. Your typical sales person may say that they do not need a pat on the back, and in most cases that is true, but most will tell you a company that stands behind them 100% is the company they want.

Tina Valiedi is the Marketing Executive for MP Strategies Firm,a company whose breakthrough service unleashes the power of the internet to drive hidden potential client to your site. For more marketing how to information visit:

Marketing - The First Step In Business Success

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

Marketing - The First Step In Business Success

Marketing keeps a business running by bringing in new
customers and building name recognition. Without a
marketing plan, a business is doomed to failure. Don't make
the mistake of developing a product or service and then
finding the market who will buy it.You can market your
business effortless if you find a need and then fill it.

Proper marketing starts with having a product or service
that will provide fix for your customers needs. You need to
designate your target market that will need what you have
to offer. For instance, if you where selling electrical
components you would not want to target the plumbing
industry. It is also a good idea to incorporate a diverse
product line, so anyone who would use your product or
service on a minimal basis will be able to purchase from
you instead of your competitors. In this case you need to
assess what size the need is and how you will be able to
best market your product to fill the need.

You can ensure that steady stream of customers by paying
attention to two areas. First, determine you can meet your
customer demands without a heavy upfront investments.
Second, never promise more than you can deliver. A good
rule of thumb... Over deliver and under promise.

Cash flow gives you the money to market and marketing
brings in your cash flow. Important to make sure they are
working together. A bad buying decision of too much product
reduces working cash flow when that product doesn't' move
out the door. Realistically antispate your customer needs
and purchase accordingly. Tying up your cash in product
can lead to disaster before your business gets the chance
to take off.

When you have your marketing plan in hand of the need and
how you will fill it be sure not to over-inflate what your
company can do. Promising a customer a timeline that cannot
be achieved may get you the business the first time, but it
definitely will not lead to repeat business. It is always
better to have enough time built into a service to allow
for unforeseen problems and when it comes to products
they're as good as the name on them.

The more you know about your target market and your
customer needs, the better and more effectively you can
grow your business.

Tina Valiedi is PR Director and Marketing Executive at
MPStrategies Firm a company providing super-targeted web
traffic to online businesses. For more articles on
advertising visit:http://www.mpstrategiesfirm.com today.