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Luxury Watches As Investment

Argentonio Vigilanza

Luxury Watches As Investment

Many people consider luxury watches an extravagance. To
them it makes little sense to spend thousands of dollars on
a Rolex or a Cartier, when there are essential payments to
be made. The same is true about cars. They say why spend
90,000 dollars on a brand new sports car when a sedan or a
station wagon in 9,000 dollars would do just as well. After
all, they both have four wheels, an engine, a steering
wheel and a gas pedal and they take you where you have to

Purchasing a luxury watch serves many purposes. Not only
they are precision instruments known for accuracy thus
giving the correct time but also make a fashion statement
on your behalf. These watches are a must for any luxurious
and fashionable wardrobe. The connoisseur of luxury watches
may have many time-telling devices like digital clocks,
cell phones and microwaves but they would not do without
their luxury watch. This use of a luxury watch as a fashion
accessory is the chief reason for the rise in popularity of
the same.

Aside from their functionality and sharp looks, luxury
watches also confer a sense of status on their
wearers. A stunning Rolex or Breitling can denote great
taste and class every bit as much as a Jaguar or
Mercedes. In fact, with the premier foreign car
manufacturers diluting their brands with 30,000-dollar
versions of their classic autos, one could argue that
some luxury watches are a greater status symbol than
some high-end vehicles.

Buying a luxury watch requires a discriminating eye in
addition to a flair for style and quality. True watch
enthusiasts choose their timepieces with the care and
attention they'd spend when buying a home they shop
around, compare brands, quality and prices. There are
mechanisms and escapements to analyze, complications, and
dials, and a host of aesthetic factors to consider such as
watch bands and bezels. They do not simply buy the first
watch they see.

So if you want to add some style to your life, think of
buying a luxury watch. For one thing, it's easier to carry
around than a luxury car!

Argentonio Vigilanza is the owner and webmaster of
Fa Watch, a
leading Internet portal for watch information. For
more watch information and resources, please stop by: