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Marketing - The First Step In Business Success

Tina Valiedi
VP Marketing

MPStrategies Firm
Division of Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

Marketing - The First Step In Business Success

Marketing keeps a business running by bringing in new
customers and building name recognition. Without a
marketing plan, a business is doomed to failure. Don't make
the mistake of developing a product or service and then
finding the market who will buy it.You can market your
business effortless if you find a need and then fill it.

Proper marketing starts with having a product or service
that will provide fix for your customers needs. You need to
designate your target market that will need what you have
to offer. For instance, if you where selling electrical
components you would not want to target the plumbing
industry. It is also a good idea to incorporate a diverse
product line, so anyone who would use your product or
service on a minimal basis will be able to purchase from
you instead of your competitors. In this case you need to
assess what size the need is and how you will be able to
best market your product to fill the need.

You can ensure that steady stream of customers by paying
attention to two areas. First, determine you can meet your
customer demands without a heavy upfront investments.
Second, never promise more than you can deliver. A good
rule of thumb... Over deliver and under promise.

Cash flow gives you the money to market and marketing
brings in your cash flow. Important to make sure they are
working together. A bad buying decision of too much product
reduces working cash flow when that product doesn't' move
out the door. Realistically antispate your customer needs
and purchase accordingly. Tying up your cash in product
can lead to disaster before your business gets the chance
to take off.

When you have your marketing plan in hand of the need and
how you will fill it be sure not to over-inflate what your
company can do. Promising a customer a timeline that cannot
be achieved may get you the business the first time, but it
definitely will not lead to repeat business. It is always
better to have enough time built into a service to allow
for unforeseen problems and when it comes to products
they're as good as the name on them.

The more you know about your target market and your
customer needs, the better and more effectively you can
grow your business.

Tina Valiedi is PR Director and Marketing Executive at
MPStrategies Firm a company providing super-targeted web
traffic to online businesses. For more articles on
advertising visit:http://www.mpstrategiesfirm.com today.