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Building An Effective And Enjoyable Work Environment

David Kingston

Building An Effective And Enjoyable Work Environment

Corporate as well as small business owners realize how
critical an effective work environment is to their success.
Too often, problems are left unresolved and rules not
implemented. This ends in a non-productive staff and a
stagnant work environment.

People brought together with one common denominator working
together will accomplish tasks as a team, and have high
expectations. Providing a comfortable work atmosphere is
essential, whether your staff consists of one person or
twenty-five. Leaders create the environment in which people
operate, which means thy must act in a way that attracts,
excites, expands, and sustains the human spirit.


Trust can only be cultivated when boundaries are
established. When people have the freedom to make
decisions, take some risks, and feel free to tell others
what is on their mind, then trust is at least possible.
Obligations and responsibilities will make sure they remain
honest and accountable.

Setting boundaries is the first step in cultivating trust.
Giving people certain freedoms to make decisions, to take
risks, to speak their minds, is part of it. Giving them
certain obligations will keep them honest and accountable.
This is also important.

I places that trust their employees, it is not uncommon to
see people making real sacrifices for the betterment of the
organization. You would be surprised to see just how far a
little praise will go towards motivating people.

In an establishment that trusts its employees, people will
make the ultimate sacrifice to assist their company in
succeeding. Praise goes along way in our personal and
professional life.

"Petty" rules only create confusion. Boundaries will help
mold a self -starter into a productive associate. Strict,
irrational rules are enforced by management preoccupied
with discipline and allow no room for people to make
decisions and take responsibility for them. This only
results in a loss of motivation for people to work

When a company trusts its employees, those workers are far
more likely to make sacrifices to help the company through
difficult times. A kind word here and there goes a long
way in both the professional and person spheres of

A leader has a very important job! Being realistic and
optimistic at the same time is the key to creating a hopeful
work environment. Realism acknowledges the facts of a
situation; optimism dictates that we continue to work toward
our goals, despite tough circumstances.

Business owners and managers would love to wake up every
morning with a strong urge to be at work. True pleasure at
work is possible when everyone is working together to
tackle a problem and the team will stick it through to
resolution. Laughing once in awhile at work really is not
a waste of company time.

You can be focused and relaxed at the same time so long as
you have a little confidence. By combining effective
communication with clearly defined goals, the team will be
most willing to cooperate towards achieving common goals.


Without a chance to grow, workers will not live up to their
potential. We all need some kind of motivation that helps
us on the road to attaining our goals. Those that punch a
clock and do the same thing day in and day out are most
likely looking for a better opportunity.

You have to be in touch with the needs and aspirations of
your workers so you must keep tabs on what is important to
their lives. Where do you see any of them in a few years?
If said still working for you, are you being realistic? By
promoting from within, you offer your workers the chance to
grow and learn new things and this will go a long way
towards keeping them motivated.

It is important for companies to take a careful look at the
work atmosphere on a regular basis. This helps reduce the
possibility of lawsuits and lost assets. Understand that
your employees should be valued and then make
certain the work atmosphere reflects that.


Challenges help keep us motivated. A good leader gives
their associates the chance to grow into new roles and
challenges. You need to reward their abilities and effort
with encouragement, more money, and the opportunity for

People who open their minds to new possibilities by working
with diverse peoples and playing different roles tend to
have a more open view of things. People like this make for
a stronger company and more conducive work environment.

As a leader, you have the power to influence people and to
increase their performance. Creating an environment that
encourages trust, optimism, enjo