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About Search Engine Optimization - Ranking - Placement
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Want to drive more targeted traffic to your site?



Want to drive more targeted traffic to your site? Then you

need to get your site listed higher on search engines. A

place in the top ten or twenty would be nice, wouldn't it?

Sound impossible? Well, it's not, and I'm going to tell

you how to do it.

Most techniques to improve your search engine rankings

have one thing in common--Keywords! The appropriate

keywords are the key to ranking high in search engines.

But how do you go about choosing the most effective

keywords? You must start by analyzing your business,

company, product or service carefully, thinking of all the

words that relate. Try getting a group of friends or

family together to make lists of keywords or phrases they

would use when searching for a product or service like


Here are a few questions to ask yourself when compiling a

list of appropriate keywords:

1. Who needs my service?

Have you carefully defined your target market? If so, this

question should be easy. Now, let's say you offer weight

loss supplements. The people who search for your product

might use phrases like "low metabolism" or "fat blocker."

They won't just search for the term "weight loss."

2. Should I include variations of my keywords?

Making your site easy to find means making your keywords

as specific as possible. That includes using misspelled,

capitalized, and plural words, as well as longer forms of

keywords. For instance, you may need to use "metabolize"

AND "metabolism" to cover all the possible search options.

3. Have I included any wrong keywords?

Do not include stop words like "and" and "the." You

should also avoid overly common words like "Internet."

Keep your words highly specific to your business. If you

choose words that too many other sites also have, you will

get pushed way down in the rankings.

Once you have your list of keywords, you need to place

them properly on your site. The HTML title, text, meta

description, meta keywords, ALT tags, comment tags, and

URL name are all places were you~ll want to place your


It is particularly important to place keywords in your

HTML title, because it is the first thing a search

engine's spider sees on your page. The HTML title

describes the content of your web page in one sentence,

and is supported to some extent by every search engine.

Drive tons of targeted traffic to your site with

keywords for just 5c per visitor. You pay only when a

pre-qualified visitor clicks on your site ready to buy.

Visit http://www.MarketingBlaster.com for more details.