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Benefits of Online Advertising

Desmond Mantor

Benefits of Online Advertising

Of late, online advertising has become a very powerful
and cost-effective tool to get more traffic to your
web site. It provides much more exposure to your products
and services than other forms of online advertising. If
you have an exclusively online business through your own
web site, online advertising becomes critical to your
success because it can substantially increase traffic to
your web site.

Online advertising companies sell these online
advertisements, which are available as pop-up ads, banner
ads, etc. Online advertising has become very important with
the number of web sites offering the same services as yours
increasing everyday.

Online advertising offers quality exposure to your web site.
Some of the more effective online advertising tools are
Search Engine Optimisation, email marketing, articles, pay
per click campaigns, classified ads, viral marketing etc.,

Some of the highly popular online advertising techniques are
given below:

Pay Per Click

In PPC advertising the operator places your website at a
specified place. When you purchase an advertising slot, it
gives you more realistic and relevant results.

One of the very effective programs is Google Adwords. Your
text ad is displayed on most popular search engines to
ensure regular high volume traffic to your site. You also
get the flexibility of choosing the right keywords, google
provides lot of help on this. Every time an online user
searches for a keyword you have chosen, your ad will be
displayed. You can chose what you want to pay per click.
Your overall budget depends on the number of times your ad
is displayed and the position of your ad. If you chose the
right combination you can have a very effective campaign.

Pay for Inclusion

Major search engines charge a fee for including your site
on their database. It is the same as listing your business
in your local yellow pages. Fees differ from company to
company, you have options of monthly, yearly fees and
automatic / manual renewals too. Google, Altavista,
AskJeeves, Lycos etc are some of the major search engines

Yahoo! offers this kind of inclusion for a certain fee.
However, in case your web site is not properly optimized,
the SE might not index it. It will be listed somewhere
within the database though not in your desired category.

Optimization of your web site to match the search engine
requirements is very critical for getting indexed properly.
The singular benefit of pay for inclusion is that it gives
you qualified traffic and hence offers better results.
Irrespective of other forms of advertising that you may
undertake for your web site you also need to focus clearly
on search engine optimisation. Since SEO offers the benefit
of higher ranking on search engines you will get more good
quality traffic to your web site which is the main target
of your online advertising efforts.

Desmond Mantor is the Director of Marketing for
Have Traffic
a company specializing in delivering highly targeted
traffic for commercial web sites, proven to convert to
sales at higher rates in comparison to regular major pay
per click sources. Please visit http://www.havetraffic.com
for further details