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Me teaching an ARVN to count to TWO

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Re: Me teaching an ARVN to count to TWO

Repeat after me "Moat, Hai, bah...."

Jack I remember the school kids singing a song

that went something like

Mot tram a moi chiu noi
Mot tram a moi chiu noi

Spelling it phonetically of course, but I think it means "one hundred years" something or other. I used to know other words but never knew what most of them meant.

Re: Jack I remember the school kids singing a song

My message was just one, two, three = except that I spelled them phonetically, too, so they are probably all wrong. When I think about it for a minute, I know that one and three were wrong because one was mot with the little hat over the "o". And if memory serves, the beer was ba muoi ba - 33. And of course there were little accent marks that I absolutely cannot remember.

As for your song, jeez, it has just been too many years. I know that mot tram is 100 and the only meaning I remember for noi is follow or come along, but most of the other words could have several different meanings, depending on how they were said.

I think that with a little practice I could still order a beer or a meal without making myself a laughing stock, but beyond that, my best phrase was one that I used a lot back then

Toi khong hieu! It means I don't understand.