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Arens cable assembly

Morning Gents

I am looking at the possibility of re-manufacturing arens cable assemblies for original engined Routemasters but do not want to find that these are readily available elsewhere or that someone already does a repair kit or rebuild (i.e. wasting my time). So questions are:

Do you have a stock of these in a usable or in need of repair condition.
Do you know of an existing supplier or repairer of these.(I have called the usual suppliers of RM parts but no-one appears to do it)

I assume a single type does both Leyland and AEC engined vehicles.

David Colin

My bus number (if any): M1001, RML2276, T806

Re: Arens cable assembly


I think that there are two types fitted to AEC engines, depends if the engine has a DPA pump, or an in line one.

I have a couple of each spare for my own use.
I don't think its a waste of time, I do not know of any suppliers.

But if yours breaks its only a bit of bowden cable that will need replacing using a soldering iron, I think



My bus number (if any): RF12

Re: Arens cable assembly

Speedy Cables may be able to help, I don't have any contact details though.

Re: Arens cable assembly

I know of speedy cables. I will try them but unless they have made them previously they would have to machine the end parts anyway, which I can do in house and I have sourced what appears to be comparable inner and outer cables as well as the component materials. I originally thought of soldering but the original, or at least the one I have seen, has crimped components that cannot be opened up to reuse. If the break is in the middle of the cable then soldering is out. I have no idea of the failure rate, if indeed they are ever a problem. The unit I was looking at is seized mid cable. To strip the unit the cable had to be cut. the unit I have has a straight threaded rod with a nut on it for the pump end. Not sure if this screws into an inline joint or through a clearance hole with lock nuts or if this is a dpa or in-line pump cable. Is one for AEC and one Leyland or could it be either type for either engine.
I am sure a faulty unit could be bodged with a simple stop cable and separate electrical switch. As I say, I'm simply looking for a solution for a single unit as a spare for someone but can produce 10 or so if there is a market

If either of you have any failed assemblies in your stock please let me know. I may be interested in buying the usable parts.

Rob. If you have one of each type could you send me a picture and cable length details please, when you have time that is. Equally useful would be a photo of the two different connections to the pump.



My bus number (if any): M1001, RML2276, T806