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Kyle Update 4-3-05

Kyle has now passed the 1st 28 day cycle (March 31st)!

We have been enjoying a few days off and are preparing for re-admission. Kyle will be admitted back into the hospital on Tuesday for the beginning of his 2nd 28 day phase*

I have not received a confirmed result, but it seems he is now in remission enough to qualify for the transplant (no remission = no transplant) Praise God!

His hair is continuing to come out, but he is still giggling as always. His cheeks are puffy and swelled due to the high doses of steroids. This will begin to subside as he finished his last dose on the 31st.

He should only be in the hospital for a few days for the administration of a particular drug and then back across the street to the "Koret Family House" after that. (prayers)

The fundraising efforts for Kyle's fertility procedure are going well, thank you so very much for your generosity! We are still awaiting a procedure date and need to have the funding up front to proceed. So far so good!

We have not heard an update on a bone marrow match for Kyle, I will ask again when we are in clinic tomorrow. Last I heard they were still working on approval from the insurance company....We are praying in faith.

We continue to take one day at a time, ever grateful of your undying support, love, and prayers.

Blessed Wishes,


*There are a total of 3 phases of chemotherapy before transplant preparation can begin. Kyle has completed the first of the three and is entering the second. Next will be the 3rd and then God willing prepping for a transplant, which includes full body radiation and lots more chemo.
