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Kyle will be Celebrating another birthday!!!

Kyle, It is such a joy to look forward to spending another birthday with you!! We cherish the day that you were born and look forward to the many celebrations ahead. If we come away from this with any lessons, it has to be that we are grateful for each and every day together!!! And we can shout with praise that we do have a Mighty God!!
I am so proud of you and know that when you become a Dr. someday, the little people's are going to know that you understand the inner strength that they need to conquer "the bad guys"
How wonderful it is to have so many people binding together in prayer for you!! It shows! I Love you sweet precious boy!! XXOO Nana

Friends, family and all the angels in between, Thank you for the Prayers! and the contributions! They have, in short, enabled Katrina to register, insure, and put new tires on her car. (little things that we take for granted! until a life depends on it)
Not to mention the aid it has given for her to meet the close to $1,000. to date JUST for the co-pays for Kyle's medications! You have no idea what this means to all of us and for the freedom it leaves to concentrate on Kyle's healing! I wish that I could kiss each and everyone of you for your special touch and part in the miracles!!!

State: sheehank

Re: Kyle will be Celebrating another birthday!!!

Hi there....when is the Birthday?
Thank you!


Re: Kyle will be Celebrating another birthday!!!

Kyle's seventh birthday is this Sunday April 10th. They are looking into special ways to celebrate. He will be too weak for much running around, so if he is released from the hospital, they are thinking about The Rain Forest Cafe/Restaurant? in San Fran. They are also considering a trip over to Marine World (in a chair for Kyle) since it has lots of animal shows and they all LOVE animals! It has been hard to plan because of not knowing how he will feel with this current round of chemo. So far it is pretty taxing!
Cute notes that you leave for Kyle! Thank you for your uplifting love! Hope that Vincent has recovered from the sunburn!!

State: sheehank