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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Well, not only did we make it out of the hospital, we took Kyle to Chuck E. Cheeses! We had so much fun being away from the family house and hospital scene :)

Kyle is doing very well, considering... He doesn't eat much, and is very nauseous. (Imagine ladies a bad case of morning sickness and smells making it worse) That's Kyle these days. He is also now bald and SOOOOO cute!

We are due to check back into the hospital tomorrow for more big chemo (phase 3), so be praying. I will try to get in and update Kyle's Calendar with what's upcoming (sorry I got behind).

We are all extremely homesick, so please pray for us We have not lived at home since February 28th and it's warring on us all. We miss our animals tons too!

Yesterday was an eventful day for all of us....

Sean went to the Giants game with Nana, Kendall, and Parker (Nana's B-day). We lost but he came back with a great hat and an autographed glove by "Lou Seal"... AND a minor Sun Burn on half of his face

Right after Sean left for the game, Kyle went to the Exploratorium with Uncle Dusty and Bonnie.... And Jerry stole me away to Chinatown while everyone else was away. (My Angel) It was very interesting to say the least and the rest was just gross! LOL

Later that eve, we all met back up at the Family House where we had a surprise Birthday party for my Mom (NaNa). We played pin the tail on the donkey and watched Napoleon Dynamite too. It was a lot of fun and a very long day!

I am working on getting some pictures posted, but it's slow go....(dial up connection today)

Our love and gratitude to you all! More soon...


Katrina, Jerry, Sean, and Kyle

P.S. Please pray for whoever stole our DVD player out of our car in the parking garage here at the hospital. It really helps on our long drives back and forth to San Francisco and Home, but we know that God is watching and keeping track and we pray only that these individuals will come to find the same loving Father we have found that provides for our every need.


Re: KYLE UPDATE 4-25-05

hi kyle,
just wanted to say hi from everyone at jacobsheart.

we all sending you lots of love and wishe
