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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Sadly and surprisingly, we have been informed that there are no bone marrow matches for Kyle.

Since he will surely die without a transplant, we will be gearing up for drives and much more. Be expecting e-mail with follow up info on how you can help spread the word and/or where to show up for a local drive.

Jerry and I will be meeting with the bone marrow team at UCSF this week to start coordination. NOTE: This will also delay the target date of June 10th for transplant. I will update you on the new date after we meet with UCSF.

No word on my other honey (Jerry), his follow up appts are this Weds with results being given on the 18th.

Thank you for your prayers, we need them more than ever. God has already special picked a match for Kyle and you are out there somewhere. God is speaking to your heart and it is now time now to step up....we love you, we're praying for you, and we're waiting.


Katrina, Jerry, Sean, and Kyle

P.S. We continued to spend the week at the beach fishing! I'll get some pictures online in the next couple of days (CUTE!)
