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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Praise The Lord!!!!

Well, after many long hours of battling well into the night/morning, our brave little soldier has won! When all was said and done, he fought hard for 12 hours, spiking a fever topping out at 106.1 degrees and a heart rate of 204 bpm, before we began gaining ground.

The Cause: There are no details yet, but preliminary testing show a an "extraordinarily rare" strain of bacteria in one of his central lines, (so rare it was thought the lab made a mistake at first). We were also told that this strain can be caused possibly from FRIED RICE??!!!????!!? Too strange for my tired mind. I'll let you know more after the strain is identified and more is known.

But what we do know is how to treat it and we are and it's now working! I also know that we will be here for quite a bit longer than we thought.

The nurses are now telling me that they have never seen a fever that high in a child in here before!! Ouch!

WOW! Extraordinarily rare strains of bacteria, horrifically high fevers, and racing heartbeats. What a bag of tricks Satan has! We realize that we could have quite simply lost our baby tonight. Give God thanks, and remember this is just another reminder that He is all powerful!

Kyle is such a wonderful baby boy! He is resting peacefully beside me now and I'm exhausted. Our love to you all...

