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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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hi trina, jerry, sean and kyle
i have to tell you all that i cant imagine being as strong and resilient as all of you are through all of this, you are all a spark of inspration to never give up.
its been awhile since i've wrote, but have checked the site often.

just want to let you know that since kyles relapse i've done a couple of things that i probly never would have. i donated my first pint of blood at the end march, i put myself on the bone marrow doner list about a month ago (it was s seperate procedure from the red cross, i thought it would be all in one)
and that most nights now i pray when i lay down to sleep, so of course kyle is virtually in my thought everyday. i dont know that i would be a match to kyle for bone marrow, but through him i know that with the blood i give, and if ever bone marrow for someone who needs it, i will of helped someone because of him.

god bless all of you


Re: hi

Hi Gregy! Hi Haley Girl!!!!!!

I don't know about strong and resilient, but we manage ok :)

I'm so proud of you, I remember what a wuss you are....oops was that out loud? No, truly how blessed we are to have such precious friends like you guys! We miss you dearly! (pun intended)

I've said all along that if Kyle helps even one person begin a spiritual walk, it all becomes worth it! God has placed Kyle into all of our lives for a purpose....this is no accident or coincidence. Please keep taking baby steps and He will not let you down! We'll be praying for you as you are for us!

Kyle will be so happy to hear this news!
