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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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We made it through a restless and busy night, Kyle still has a fever and is now on 3 different antibiotics. This chemo also comes along with eye drops every 3 hours and lots of vital checks due to the fever etc and just made for a VERY long night.

Kyle's Dr just came to talk to us about stopping Kyle's chemo. She feels that there is a chance that his body may not be able to handle the remaining doses over the next 24 hrs and does not want to chance losing him over it. We agreed and trust her judgment whole-heartedly. She will be looking into other options of one more chemo treatment or just heading straight into transplant. TBD

We are moving forward with additional shots to help him boost his white blood cell count and otherwise letting him rest and re-coop. He is extremely lethargic and is drifting in and out of consciousness/sleep.

His counts took a huge dive from 900 something to 140 yesterday - This was expected, but due to the delay from his infection we lost the opportunity to slip both needed treatments in before they dropped. I hope I'm making sense, I'm deliriously sleep deprived....

He went for his CT scan at around noon and we are still awaiting the results from that. His double vision and headaches seemed to have subsided, but it's hard to tell when he is so out of it and on morphine.

In reflection of the whirlwind we just came through, at the same time we were receiving our news of hope (more possible matches), a mother down the hall was holding her son as he died in her arms. God bless us all...please pray for her pain. Please pray that I never have to share it.

Today we will hold each other, pray, and rest.
Thank you for our strength...we love you
