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5-22-05 KYLE UPDATE 2

Well, Kyle's fevers have gone for a good portion of the day into this evening.

As of tomorrow, Kyle will not have eaten for 6 days. I have requested nourishment which they agreed to start tomorrow through his central line.

I have also requested permission to take him outside into the courtyard for some fresh air and sunshine tomorrow. If they say yes, yippee, if they say no, we go into stealth mode *wink*

He is taking baby steps and he is improving. He has spent the last 6 hours straight doing legos. I have gotten him up a few times to get out of bed and into a chair. Watching him get out of bed and walk like a shaky old man is difficult since it is soooo far from his norm!!!!

He'll be back up and running before we know it, it's truly only a few months away?!?!?!!!!!!!


