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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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UCSF just called with the results of Kyle's bone marrow aspirate...he continues to be free of cancer!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!

We of course will be continuing treatment since this cancer has proven to be good at hiding out and hibernating. We are being admitted on Tuesday for a week for high dose methotrexate.

Jerry and I are going to meet with Kyle's Drs next week regarding their planned life threatening doses of chemo due to be administered starting the end of September. We are struggling with this plan to put Kyle's life back in danger...Please pray for this and for Kyle's Dr.s as we confront them on faith.

Sean is doing great at his new school and Kyle is doing wonderful too. We are enjoying being home for a whole week to catch up on chores etc.

Please also pray for our vehicle situation, our Expedition blew the #4 cylinder which means a new engine. The car that Jerry's mom let us borrow blew out too. We had to rent a car on Tuesday to get Kyle to the hospital for his chemo. Jacob's Heart was so wonderful, as they paid for the rental! We are sweating getting up there this week and Jerry is covered in grease trying to fix it himself. Pray for him *wink*

Lot's of prayer requests, but lots of praises too!
God is taking great care of us!

Blessed wishes to you and yours,


P.S. There are new pictures under "Camp Okizu"


Re: 8-18-05 KYLE UPDATE PTL!

hello katrina, jerry, sean and kyle. thats great news for all of you(well except for your vehicle situation)
also hope your mom is doing better after her accident, it sounds like it could of ended up a lot worse.
anyway wanted to drop a line to say hi and let you guys know that your all on my mind and that im wishing you all the best.

