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UPDATE: Blessings from Heaven...

In the midst of it all, God has decided to bless our family with a baby! Jerry and I are expecting!!!!! WOWWWWWW! After the initial shock wore off, we all discovered that we are all sooooo excited!!!!!!! The boys are beside themselves and are doting on me like I'm the queen mother! Talking to my tummy, bringing me my every wish. *wink* We are due around my Mom's birthday! May 2 officially, but close enough!

There's more.....Yesterday, I was rear-ended..ouch, a pretty good smack, (HE had no insurance, of course) complete with an ambulance ride. I'm pretty sore today and stuck wearing a hard collar neck brace (my mom and I match, it's pretty funny).

I refused x-rays, so the Dr wasn't happy with me, but there's no way they were going to talk me into radiating my baby to see if I broke my back. I really thought it was unnecessary for a minor traffic accident and wasn't willing to risk it.

So, they did an ultrasound (our first) and guess what.....WE ARE HAVING TWINS!!!!!!!!!! We are in shock and our house is buzzing with excitement! The boys are beside themselves! They each get a baby! Tee hee hee. How wonderful our Heavenly Father is to bless our family with such joy in the midst of our sadness and pain! I'm even more grateful that somehow I am escaping morning sickness!!!! Yippppeeee! Thank you Jesus!

We are so blessed. I know, this could be looked at as negative since we have so much on our plates already, but we have each placed our lives into God’s hands and pray each day His will be done in our lives.

He continues to pour out his blessings on us and we will not doubt that He will continue to care for our every need! He has rewarded our suffering and sadness and replaced it with joy and hope, breathing new life into our family!!!!

From cloud nine with the silver lining,

Katrina, Jerry, Sean, Kyle, Baby A, and Baby B
