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11-04-05 KYLE UPDATE


Kyle's line has shown more signs of infection, so it is being scheduled for removal Mon or Tues. We will continue to remain in the hospital until approx 9th or 10th.

In it's place for 2 weeks will be a picc line. This was the first line Kyle received that caused his whole left arm to clot all but 2 blood vessels, most of which remain clotted to this day. After those 2 weeks, the picc line will be removed and Kyle will be FINALLY going on his Make-a-Wish!

We are heading to Florida for a 7 night cruise on Disney's Big Red Boat! We are so excited! We leave for Florida on December 3rd returning on the 11th or 12th. We even get to visit Disney's own private island!

Jerry and I will also be renewing our vows on the boat for our first romantic and Kyle is SOOO excited about being the ring bearer!

Things are complicated and tough for us, but we just can not lose sight of the fact that each day with Kyle in our lives is a blessing and we're grateful for every second spent!

After the cruise, they will attempt to place a "port" (Kyle has had 2 previous) for the remainder of his 6 months of intense chemo. From there he graduates back to maintenance doses for 2 years where his system can tolerate the IV in his hand each time.

Well, that's the update, my next twin appointment is scheduled for Nov 21st. This is an ultrasound and amnio...yikes!!!

Keep Kyle's progress in your prayers and offer up great thanks too!


Katrina, Jerry, Sean, Kyle, and the Twins!

Re: 11-04-05 KYLE UPDATE

I will pray for all of you to be healthy throughout the cruise so that all of you have the best time possible. Can I stow away? Let's all pray for their health!
