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For the love of a child

Tony wrote a song and put it on a CD for Kyle! It's sweet. What a nice song and a great use of his talent! It is available at Borders Book Store in South Bend, IN. and through his church. The CD is available by donation (I think they're suggesting $5 plus a $1 or $2 for shipping). If you would like a copy of this CD, please contact Grace Community Church at 574.257.8579.

Here's the Local Newspaper Story on it:

October 18. 2006 6:59AM

For the love of a child
Father selling copies of song he wrote for his sick son.

Tribune Staff Writer

It's been a long struggle for such a short life, but 8-year-old Kyle Jackson has beaten the odds again. A bone marrow donor has been found for the young leukemia patient.

Kyle's dad, Tony, of South Bend, couldn't be more hopeful and supportive. To prove it, he's created a CD for his son titled "For the Love of a Child."

Tony wrote the song as not only a tribute to his son, but for every child that has had to overcome great obstacles in life and fought to beat the odds.

Tony also has a twofold reason for offering the CD to the public. He hopes the donations will help pay for medical expenses. But most of all, hopes it will uplift people and inspire them to give their kids a hug.

Kyle was diagnosed in 2002 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a form of blood cancer.

He managed to beat the odds, going into remission until 2005 when he relapsed. Doctors weren't sure he'd survive and suggested that he visit his family while he still could.

Living in California with his mother and brother, Kyle traveled east unaware of the significance of the situation.

"He takes it the best he can and doesn't get down about it," Tony said. "I watched him shake his legs because of sore joints while playing with the other kids, but he doesn't say a word about the pain. He keeps on smiling and playing. He's a strong kid with a strong personality."

One instance that sunk into Tony's heart was when Kyle was protectively carrying around a wallet he couldn't put out of sight for fear of losing.

Tony was curious what was in the wallet that made it so important. Taking a peek, he found a $1 bill carefully folded up four times.

While sitting in church a few days later, the collection plate came Kyle's way. He'd been keeping his eye on his wallet for days so he could donate his only $1 bill.

Tony congratulated his son for giving to the church. However, Kyle corrected his dad explaining he did not give to the church ... he gave to God.

"He just has a good sense of what's important beyond his years," Tony said.

Six months ago, the cancer came out of remission and Kyle was put back on his roller coaster of life.

An in-patient at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, Kyle's only medical hope was a matching bone marrow donor from an umbilical cord of a newborn ... a million-to-1 chance.

In September, the odds were beaten again with a call from the University of Minnesota who had found a match.

However, a week later, biopsy reports showed the cancer had returned to Kyle's marrow making him ineligible for the procedure.

Kyle has undergone a new round of chemotherapy to eliminate the cancerous cells in his marrow and has almost met the mark to send him on his way to Minnesota.

In another twist of fate, Kyle made national news last month after his Chihuahua, "Chemo" was stolen from the hospital.

Once again, Kyle had faith his dog would be returned and Chemo was back at the hospital after pleas from his family, hospital employees and the media. Now the whole West Coast has joined in rooting for Kyle's recovery.

A transplant is a long six month journey not only for Kyle, but his family too.

Through the Ronald McDonald House, Kyle's mother will move to Minnesota and his brother will relocate to a school there.

In the meantime, Tony will be selling Kyle's CD at several locations in the area.

Written, produced and performed by Tony, the CD grips the heart like such hits as "Remember When" by Alan Jackson and "Live Like You Were Dying," by Tim McGraw.

Tony laid the tracks and dubbed in two harmonicas harmonizing together, something he says is a favorite instrument of Kyle's and makes the CD unique.

Accompanying Tony on the CD are Grace Community Church members Jason Fisher on the keyboards, Matt Zook on drums and Don Brockie on guitar. The church is also handling all the donations generated from the CD sales.

Kyle's attitude, faith in God and thousands of prayers have kept Tony's son going. And Kyle's smile has kept Tony going.

"Every day you spend together / Every minute you share / Is another gift from heaven / To show them you care." (Refrain from "For the Love of a Child," by Tony Jackson.)

Kyle also believes documenting his journey on his Web site makes the trip worthwhile. Visit him at

Staff writer Virginia Ransbottom:

Re: For the love of a child

Tony--what a lovely tribute to Kyle! I look forward to hearing this song. God bless you!
