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11-2-06 KYLE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God has blessed us with another miracle!

Mr. Kyle is in remission!!!!!!! An answer to prayers and a mystery to the Drs! PTL!!!
We are just so blessed. God has carried us through yet another battle.

So, we will be moving forward with the transplant. He will enter the hospital at 5:45 AM Monday morning.

First he will receive another central line (heart cath). Then he will get 3 days of 2 chemotherapy drugs at VERY high doses to kill off his cells and immune system. This will be followed by 4 days of 2 times daily, full body radiation. The day after the last radiation, he will receive the transplant (the birthday!).

He will then be in the hospital for 30 to 35 days. When he is released to the Ronald McDonald House, he will return to the outpatient clinic for another 60 days or so. At day 101, he can go home until his 6 month check up, followed by his one year, etc.
After his transplant, there is no more chemotherapy! We're done with all that (granted if he doesn't relapse).

The Dr.s are giving him about a 40% chance of survival, but we think it's much higher with the Lord on our side!!!

There has been such an outpour from all of you, we are so grateful for each and every one of you. Your contributions allow us to survive and care for Kyle. Your open hearts to God's speaking carries us through each looming financial ruin. Thank you for the miles, keep them coming. And our thanks to our special angel from Texas who paid for our round trip tickets out here. God Bless you...

I truly believe God will bless you for all of your prayer, love, hope, faith, compassion, and thoughtfullness!

With tons of love,

Katrina and the crew!


Re: 11-2-06 KYLE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow ! ! What exciting news - prayers have been answered. I will forward this news to my family and friends who I have asked to pray for both of you ! !

We will continue praying.. Jesus has answered us all and said "Yes"

God Bless ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Matt Troy


Re: 11-2-06 KYLE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kyle
You are truly blessed, what wonderful news. I'm the lady you met at the mail box last week and the mom of Nicholas that goes to Marshall. He can't wait to meet you, So when you get home we will schedule a play date. Get well soon. Also your brother Sean really scared Nick & his cousin on Halloween, great costume
