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11-10-06 KYLE UPDATE

Well, so far so good. We're on day -4, so 4 days until transplant!! Kyle is doing well, he was nauseous yesterday and threw up only once, but doing better today. Yesterday we passed the time by playing Pin the tail on the donkey, coloring postcards, playing checkers, and coloring poster dragons.

Today we woke up early and headed to Kyle's first full body radiation treatment. He did great, but it broke my heart to leave him covered in lasers, taped to a bed, and behind 1 1/2 ft thick metal doors.

I watched him on the monitor, he held still, as requested for the 15 minute dose. Such a great kid, we go back for more this afternoon and again twice tomorrow and so forth for a total of 2x a day for 4 days.

He will start feeling the effects of the chemo and radiation in the next week or two. He will be sicker than he's ever been in his life. They said he will beging to throw up the lining of his stomach, have painful mouth sores, infection, and diarrea terribly.

Please pray for him, it's going to get worse before it gets better. I'll be by his side constantly, assisting him with anything and everything I can to make him more comfortable, but he'll need your prayers in order to pull through.

I had another round of chemo today. I'm ok.

The kids are on their way and I can't wait! I'm missing my boys soooooo desperately and they still won't be here for another week or 2!!!! waaaaaaa

K, gotta run! Hugs to all!

