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We'll, Kyle received his bone marrow transplant today. It was umbelical cord blood stem cells from a baby donor in Missouri.

Contrary to popular belief, Kyle did not have surgery today. He merely had a blood transfusion containing the cord blood. He was wide awake (besides the drowsiness from the Benadryl) and in his room. We will not know if the transplant was successful for some time, but I will of course, keep you posted.

Kyle will be ok for a few more days, but will begin to feel violently ill around day 5 (today is day zero)
until day 20 or so. So about a week or two. This is from the delayed effects of the chemo, radiation, and transplant itself. He will also begin to get infections due to the lack of immune system. They will be on top of these as they are expecting them. Still a risk, and still scarey, but we're ready with antibiotics standing by.

Once his new cells begin to multiply, he will move closer to getting out of the hospital! Around 30 to 35 days is average. Then he will come back to the outpatient clinic every day until day 100.

If they do not multiply, they will use a back up cord blood (less match) to try to save him.

Thank you so very much for all the prayers, we're almost there. Though it will get worse before it gets better, we can now begin to catch a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel!

The "Blessing Service" for Kyle's Transplant quoted Psalm 61: 1-4 and Isaiah 43. Please take a moment to look them up and reflect in prayer. Absolute Perfection!!!!

God Bless,



my prayer for you all

Heavenly Father, what a precious gift you have given this family..Kyle! We come together in agreement right now that there will be no bad side effects for Kyle from his transplant. We speak to the new cells in his body and we tell you to product perfect marrow and cells. We tell anything in his body that is not of God, that you are cut off from your life source.

This child WILL LIVE and DECLARE the works of the Lord. We cancel all plans the enemy would try to bring against Kyle and his family. We crush, smash and destroy any and all word curses, generational curses or wrong thinking over his healing. We speak to the spirit of fear and tell you to leave in Jesus name!

We stand in awe of You Father at the love you pour upon this family. By Jesus stripes, Kyle is healed for good! Father, we praise you and thank you for an awesome recovery for this beautiful child you have blessed us with. We give you ALL of the HONOR and GLORY in Jesus Mighty name!

I have been through a stem cell transplant for leukemia also. Sept.16, 2006 was my one year anniversary from my transplant. Still in remission! I am 32yr old and I know GOD did some AMAZING and MIRACULOUS things during my transplant time. I expect the same for Kyle. Many people are praying for you. Trust in God for your strength when you think you have no more.
God Bless
Love Your sister in Christ
