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11-17-06 KYLE UPDATE - Day 3

Kyle is faring well, he is begining to head downhill, as expected. He has stopped eating all together and has now been started on intraveinous nutrients (he's being fed through his heart cathater).

He has also developed an infection that seems to be resistant to common antibiotics, so they are busy trying to find one that will kill it.

He's on anti-nausea meds round the clock, but they're not helping much.

Believe it or not, though quiet, he is in good spirits! That's our boy! Such a trooper!!!!

We continue to pray and give thanks for each and every precious day the Lord blesses us with.

Hug eachother for us!

Oh, I almost forgot. Kyle has been sent a "Prayer Pager". He keeps it bedside and everytime it goes off, he knows someone is praying for him! NEAT! So, in order for it to work, you have to call his pager each time you pray for Kyle. That's it! Pretty simple, and now he knows you're out there! (Besides his website) It's called the "Prayer Pager Project". For full directions on how to do this, Please see the "Page Kyle for Prayer" post.
