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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Hi everyone!

We're going home tomorrow! We are sooo excited! Kyle misses Chemo and I miss Jerry and are all stoked about our new house! We can't wait to see it!

At the end of October, Kyle and I passed through Chicago O'Hare Airport with Cancer and little hope. There we met a man named Jeff who gave us hope (Glyconutrients) and tomorrow Kyle and I will pass back through Chicago O'Hare BOTH CANCER FREE!!!!!!

PRAISE THE LORD! We are just so blessed. We've met some wonderful people here too. The Ronald McDonald House is so great. I hear this is the nicest one in the country! They've been so good to us, we would just be lost without them.

I would like to ask a prayer request for another family here.....they have been such a blessing to us. Mom (Joni) is a veteran mom like me and her son Ted is where Kyle was....on a roller coaster of pain and suffering. She seems to be holding up ok, but it's so difficult to watch your child be tormented in the name of health.

They've been told to give up on their boy and they are refusing. They are in the midst of a battle for his life and need our prayers. After seeing Kyle's success and mine, she has just started Ted on Glyconutrients and hopefully he will respond with a miracle!

We all know that God has the final say, but I can't help but think we did not meet on accident and I can't wait to see the response Ted's body has to these nutrients. I will keep you posted on him too. Pray Pray Pray

All is well here healthwise...weird, huh?!!! We're all healthy! YIPPEEEE!!! I can't even remember the last time I was able to say that! Well, besides last post, but you know what I mean

Jerry's fishing has been slow and we've been so worried with no income, but I just got off the phone with him and he caught 200 Ton of squid last night! It would have been 240, but a boat rolled over and sunk. I'm so glad he's safe, it's so dangerous out there. Please keep him in your prayers too.

Well, I better get back to packing and cleaning, I'm slacking off! Thank you so much! All of you, our Prayer Warriors, how would we survive without you?


Katrina and Crew
