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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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So, the test results came back over 50% (see last post). They were 70% which is good. His cancer cells however were massive. 95% of the cells in his body are cancerous and anywhere he has blood, he has cancer.

He started chemo and is on day 3. He has been ill, spiked quite a fever, and is irratible, but holding his own and seems to be responding to the chemotherapy!

We have set a prayer date and time for this Weds June 13th at 5:30PM Pacific Time. At this time, the hospital Chaplain will join us in Kyle's room and we will lay hands on him to pray. We ask all of you to gather and pray together at that same time for healing, strength, and peace.
But most of all for God's will, as that is all we want for our little Kyle. For God's plan to continue to unfold and His will be done.

Kyle's battle has touched so many lives, God is using his struggles to touch lives and this is important work. Kyle understands this and appreciates it for what it's worth.

If he could meet with you, he would take you by the hand and look you in the eyes and tell you, "Don't worry, God is healing me." He would.

Where two or more are gathered in my name....please join us on Weds eve.

All of you do so much for us, I hope you know how much we need you to survive this long battle. So many of you have stuck by our sides for so many years. Our families, friends, strangers, coworkers, and neighbors are our bridge to sanity.

Thank you for helping us financially, thank you for your emails of support, thank you for your letters and cards full of love, but most of all, thank you for your prayers!

We would love to return the favor, if you would like us to pray for you or your loved one, please email me and we will add you to our list. We enjoy praying for others and it helps Kyle to know he is not the only one suffering. He's not alone and he loves helping others.

I have updated Kyle's address during this stay (4-6 weeks) on the "Contact Us" page. I will keep you updated in a more timely fashion, I promise. It's just been a little crazy getting settled in. I'm up here at the hospital with 4 kids and a dog and I'm by myself, so I'm run a little ragged! Reinforcements are on the way though...just in time, I'm sure...I hope....

P.S. I'm sorry that this message board is now password protected, someone hacked into Kyle's website and posted a BUNCH of hateful, evil, and nasty stuff, so I had to protect it. If you would like to post something here, please email me and I will give you the password. Sorry for the inconvenience, just trying to keep it family rated around here!
