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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Well, Kyle has been battling fevers to no avail. He is pretty miserable but, he's a fighter! We're not giving up hope! He continues to fight and chemo's visit today brought a smile to his face and even a giggle or two through a fever over 104!

Kyle has two types of bacteria running around in his body and they are treating for them with antibiotics, but he still is having major fevers and no one knows why. Please pray for this, he has all the Dr.s stumped. I'm worried too.

Sean is taking a well deserved break at home, at my Mom's house with his uncle's Parker, Josh, and Dustan. He went to the Boardwalk yesterday with Parker and Kendall and had a blast! He's been such a big help to me up here!!!

I've been really sick for about a week. I have acute asthmatic Bronchitis. I was not allowed to see Kyle, so I came home and saw my Dr, got on antibiotics, did some laundry, and took a break. My mom took over for me, thankfully. I don't know what I would have done without her! She stayed at the hospital with Kyle while I was sick and cared for him through his fevers.

My Sister-in-Law Jody kept the babies for me and continues to so that I can spend some much needed time with Kyle now that I am no longer contagious.

My family has really stepped up to the plate and saved me! It's so nice to have them around!!

We'll, I'll keep you posted if Kyle's fever's break. Please keep him in your prayers. Jerry continues to work 3 jobs to make ends meet, so pray for him too. We love you all.

God Bless,



Re: 6-25-07 KYLE UPDATE

You are always in our prayers. My mom too has cancer along with my nephew and everynight my daughter, Bella and I pray to heal and cure Kyle along with my family. God always has a plan. Take care and may the strength of all of our prayers and thoughts keep you strong.


The Jardon Family