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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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So, Kyle has been fighting a blood infection and now a lung infection on both sides. He had a lung wash today to help them pinpoint what exactly was going on in there.

I haven't heard the results of that yet. He came back coughing his head off and awfully cranky. They had him on oxygen most of the afternoon because he couldn't handle it without it. But, he's off of it now and he's resting.

His fevers have backed off, thanks to prayers! You know, outside of his CatScan yesterday, I had a talk with God. As I sat and waited outside of the door. Through tears, I begged God just to take him if He was planning on it and make him better if that was the plan. Either way I wanted the suffering to end. Poor Kyle couldn't walk, couldn't breathe, it hurt to cough, everything hurt, he was shaking, bad diarrea, everything was bad. I just couldn't take it anymore. And from that moment on, Kyle has been better! God heard and answered my prayers, He had mercy on my Kyle and made him better. Praise Him! Halleluliah!!!!!!

I'm up here again by myself with all 4 boys and the dog. Quite a handful for me. I need your prayers for strength. For Sean too, he's such a big help and such a special young man!

Jerry is working his behind off and not sleeping much these days. No time for it. He goes some days with no sleep at all, he just works right through the night and the next day. Poor baby. He really misses us and we miss him too. He's trying to support us and he's a pretty special guy if I do say so myself He's the hardest working and most loving man I've ever met in my life!

The babies are getting so big and so adorable! They're not walking yet, but they get around just fine! and in to EVERYTHING!

I finally got some pictures posted, in the "May/June/Okizu 2007" Album you'll find recent pictures of everyone but me. *shy* I've been on a diet and so maybe someday soon I wont be so camera shy! Actually I'm always the one snapping the shots so I'm never in front of the camera anyway! I will continue to post until I'm out of pics, so keep checking back! I have a few more to go and it's a S-L-O-W process!

Kyle is taking his glyconutrients whenever possible and doing well because of them, I think. His spirits are high most of the time and God contines to carry us faithfully as promised.

Our love to you all, I will continue to keep you posted!


