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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Kyle is doing great! He is managing well so far this time around. They decided that since he is in remission, they would only do 3 days of chemo this time around instead of 4 or 5. So he just finished up his 3rd day. He has been suffering from leg pain and headaches, but he's been on morphine every 2 hours to manage that. He's also using heating pads on his legs and ankles to help.

He's on a roller coaster of emotions, but managing ok. He goes up and down and cries over spilled milk, but he's hanging tough.

We are making arrangements for Minn. already. I'm supposing we will fly out there the week of Aug 7th. and with the help of a very dear friend of mine, we are placing ads for a part-time nanny for the twins while I care for Kyle. It seems that my grandparents will not be making the trek with us this time, so I'll be going it alone as Jerry has to stay behind to provide for us. We still have so many bills to pay and rent to keep up while we are gone he has no choice.

Please pray for my grandmother, she is in kidney failure and must begin dialisys. She is broken hearted about not being able to help out and we were really counting on her.

I figure we need someone Part time in the afternoons and it would be a perfect job for a student in education. We're right on campus too! Shouldn't be more than $8 an hour for part time work. We did some research. My friend wants to call Oprah! As, we are not sure where we are going to come up with the funding to pay a nanny, but we thought if several of you could make a faith pledge for the 5 months we are there, that would take care of it.

So, if you feel called to do so, please email me and let me know and we'll help you make the arrangements with Kyle's fund. Please pray about this whole situation, it's a doozy and one that I'd rather not have to deal with since I have so much on my plate as it is.

Kyle needs my full attention during this time and taking care of 4 boys during a transplant is going to test me.

This transplant is going to make the last one look like a walk in the park. So the dr.s tell me. Of course I'm always relying on our faith for miracles and the glyconutrients for serenity, but Please pray for us. As always, thank you so very much!
